The Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100)

This version contains amendments up to and including the Act on Amendment of the Higher Education Ordinance (2024:656).

Ministry/Agency: Ministry of Education and Research, Sweden
Issued: 4 February 1993 

This translation is for information purposes only and has no legal force. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish-language version takes precedence.

Chapter 1 General provisions

Chapter 2 Board of governors, vice-chancellor and other organisational provisions

Chapter 3 has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064)

Chapter 4 Teaching staff

Chapter 5 Employment of doctoral students

Chapter 6 Courses and study programmes

Chapter 7 Admission to courses and study programmes

Chapters 8 and 9 have been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064)

Chapter 10 Disciplinary measures

Chapter 11 Open web-based learning

Chapter 12 Appeals

Transitional provisions

Annex 1 List of higher education institutions

Annex 2 System of Qualifications

Annex 3 Allocation of places on the basis of grades and the credit value of grades

Annex 4 Subject combinations


Chapter 1 General provisions

Higher education institutions for which the Government is the accountable authority

Section 1

Under the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), this ordinance contains provisions for the higher education institutions for which the Government is the accountable authority. These higher education institutions and their designations are listed in Annex 1 of this ordinance.

There are special provisions for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Ordinance (1993:221) and for the Swedish Defence University in Ordinance (2007:1164). Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 2

In this ordinance, the term ‘higher education institutions’ refers to both universities and university colleges, unless otherwise stated.

Section 3

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 4

Unless otherwise stated, in this ordinance the term ‘student’ refers to a person who has been admitted to and is undertaking higher education, and ‘third-cycle student’ is a person who has been admitted to and is undertaking third-cycle education.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Exemptions from the Administrative Procedure Act

Section 4a

The provisions in sections 25 and 32 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) on the communication of and reasons for decisions do not need to be applied to cases regarding admissions to or grading of education.

If a reason has not been provided, one must later be provided if possible, if a person requests it, and it is necessary for them to be able to exercise their legal rights.
Ordinance (2018:957)

Exemptions from the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance

Section 5

The following provisions of the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance (2007:515) must not be applied to higher education institutions:

  • Section 2 on the management of agencies and institutes
  • Section 4 on the responsibilities of senior officers
  • Section 5 on delegation
  • Sections 9—18 on agencies led by a director general (enrådighetsmyndigheter), by a board (styrelsemyndigheter ) and on tribunals (nämndmyndigheter), and
  • Sections 22—24 on employment and duties.

In applying the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance, 'head of the agency´ is the ‘vice-chancellor’. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Internal audits

Section 5a

The following higher education institutions must apply the Internal Audit Ordinance (2006:1228):

  • Uppsala University
  • Lund University
  • University of Gothenburg
  • Stockholm University
  • Umeå University
  • Linköping University
  • Karolinska Institutet
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Luleå University of Technology
  • Karlstad University
  • Linnaeus University
  • Örebro University
  • Mid Sweden University
  • Malmö University
  • Mälardalen University.

Ordinance (2021:1223).

Section 6

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Student representatives and members of the board of governors whom are appointed by the students

Section 7

/Ceases to apply: 1 October 2024/ 
The Ordinance on Student Unions (2009:769) contains provisions on how members of the board of governors whom the students are entitled to appoint under Chapter 2, section 4 of the Higher Education Act (1992: 1434), must be appointed. The Ordinance on Student Unions also contains regulations how student representatives are appointed, under Chapter 2, section 7 of the Higher Education Act.

The Ordinance concerning Remuneration for Positions on Government Boards, Committees, Councils, etc. (1992:1299) must apply to members of the board of governors of a higher education institution whom have been appointed by the students.

Ordinance (2016:745).

Section 7

/Enters into effect: 1 October 2024/
The Ordinance on Student Unions (2009:769) contains provisions on how members of the board of governors whom the students are entitled to appoint under Chapter 2, section 4 of the Higher Education Act (1992: 1434), must be appointed. The Ordinance on Student Unions also contains regulations how student representatives are appointed, under Chapter 2, section 7 of the Higher Education Act.

The Ordinance concerning Remuneration for Positions on Government Boards, Committees, Councils, etc. (1992:1299) must apply to members of the board of governors of a higher education institution whom have been appointed by the students.
With the exception of what is stated in section 4, third paragraph of that ordinance, compensation is also paid to members who are appointed by the students and who are doctoral students with employment as referred to in Chapter 5, section 1 of this ordinance.
Ordinance (2024:656).

Section 7a

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 7b

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 8

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 9

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 10

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:544).

Health care, student social welfare and the study environment

Section 11

Higher education institutions must be responsible for providing students with access to healthcare, particularly preventive healthcare that aims to support students’ physical and mental health.
Higher education institutions must also be responsible for other student welfare activities that support students in their studies or help them transition to the labour market, as well as otherwise providing students with a good environment in which to study.

Ordinance (2009:770).


Section 11a

A higher education institution must be responsible for ensuring that the students are insured against personal injury. This insurance must cover injuries resulting from accidents or caused by a communicable disease of the kind referred to in Section 5 of the Ordinance concerning Work Injury Insurance and State Personal Injury Insurance (1977:284), provided that the injury has occurred in connection with higher education in Sweden. The insurance must not confer entitlement to any benefit to which the student is eligible under a statute or collective agreement.

Insurance cover must be provided under an agreement drawn up between Universitets- och högskolerådet (Swedish Council for Higher Education), acting on behalf of the higher education institutions, and Kammarkollegiet (Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency). This agreement and any amendments to it must be made subject to Government approval. Ordinance (2013:32).

Section 11b

A higher education institution may, through an agreement with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, take out insurance coverage against personal injury incurred by their students in connection with higher education courses and programmes outside Sweden. However, this insurance may only apply to studies conducted at a foreign higher education institution under an agreement between the institutions concerned. The insurance must cover the types of injury specified in Section 11a.

For students who are required to pay tuition fees under Section 5 of the Ordinance on Application Fees and Tuition Fees at Higher Education Institutions (2010:543), a higher education institution may, through agreement with the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, also take out insurance coverage for health and dental care, as well as for accidents during the students’ leisure time in Sweden. This insurance must contribute to fulfilling the requirement for comprehensive health insurance that is a prerequisite for a residence permit for studies in higher education under Section 5 of Chapter 4 of the Aliens Ordinance (2006:97).
Ordinance (2019:1213).

Section 11c

A higher education institution must provide insurance cover through an agreement with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency for doctoral students whose studies are financed by grants. This insurance must apply for the period when 

  1. the doctoral student’s grant ceases to be paid because of absence from study on the grounds of illness or parental leave, or 
  2. the doctoral student’s studies are extended due to illness or parental leave, without the doctoral student receiving a grant for the extended period of study.

This insurance must not provide entitlement to compensation if the third-cycle student is entitled to equivalent compensation through some other insurance cover. Ordinance (2017:947).

Information for Universitetskanslersämbetet (Swedish Higher Education Authority)

Section 12

Higher education institutions must provide the Swedish Higher Education Authority with any information about their operations requested by the agency. Ordinance (2012:712).

The use of teaching premises

Section 13

A higher education institution is obliged to allow a democratically constituted association of its students to use its teaching premises for meetings arranged by the association for its members, provided that the purpose of the meeting is for information, the expressions of opinions or similar purposes, or the performance of an artistic work. No one the association invites to attend the meeting may be refused admission to the meeting’s venue.

The provisions in the first paragraph will not apply if there is reason to assume that a serious disturbance of public order will occur or there will be unlawful activity at the meeting. Nor will the first paragraph apply if the association’s use of the premises is incompatible with orderly conduct of the higher education institution’s activities or with its obligations to third parties. Ordinance (1998:1003).

Course evaluations

Section 14

The higher education institution must provide students participating in, or who have completed, a course, with the opportunity to present their opinions about the course through a course evaluation organised by the institution.

The higher education institution must compile the course evaluations and provide information about the results, as well as any actions prompted by the course evaluations. The results must be made available to the students. Ordinance (2000:651).

Section 15

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Advice and support relating to good research practice

Section 16

A higher education institution must ensure that staff can obtain advice and support on issues relating to good research practice and deviations from such practice. Ordinance (2019:1151).

Management of suspected deviations from good research practice

Section 17   

Higher education institutions must examine other suspected deviations from good research practice than those to be examined under the Act (2019:504) on responsibility for good research practice and the examination of research misconduct.

Higher education institutions must draw up guidelines for the examination of suspected deviations from good research practice.
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Section 18  

A higher education institution must present anonymised information about the deviations from good research practice that have been examined at the higher education institution during the previous calendar year to the Board for the Examination of Research Misconduct by 30 March every year.
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Personal data processing

Section 19

The provisions of Sections 20 to 21 supplement the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter the GDPR. 
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Section 20   

When processing personal data under the first paragraph of Section 17 and Section 18, the Swedish Data Protection Act (2018:218) and provisions issued in association with that act apply, unless otherwise stated in Sections 22 and 23.
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Section 21    

Article 13.3 of the GDPR on the data controller’s obligation to provide information does not apply when a higher education institution processes personal data for the purpose of examining other suspected deviations from good research practice than those to be examined under the Act (2019:504) on responsibility for good research practice and the examination of research misconduct. 
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Section 22    

The provisions of the second paragraph of Section 3, Chapter 3 of the Data Protection Act (2018:218) on prohibitions on searches relating to sensitive personal data do not apply when a higher education institution processes personal data to examine suspected deviations from good research practice other than those that must be examined under the Act (2019:504) on responsibility for good research practice and the examination of research misconduct.
Ordinance (2019:1151).

Section 23   

Personal data that is processed by a higher education institution solely for the examination of suspected deviations from good research practice under the first paragraph of Section 17, may be used to take action related to the data subject only if there are special grounds related to the vital interests of this person.
Ordinance (2019:1151).

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Chapter 2 Board of governors, vice-chancellor and other organisational provisions

Constitution of the board of governors

Section 1

The board of governors of a higher education institution must consist of the chair and 14 other members, unless otherwise stated in the second paragraph. The chair must not be employed by the higher education institution. Section 4 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) stipulates that the vice-chancellor is a member of the board.

The government may, following a request by a higher education institution, decide that the board of governors of the higher education institution will consist of the chair and ten other members, if there is reason for this due to the needs of the institution.

The board of governors must elect one of its members to act as deputy chair.
Ordinance (2018:1131).

The duties of the board of governors

Section 2

/Ceases to apply: 1 September 2024/ 
The responsibilities and duties of the board of governors of a higher education institution are those laid down in Section 3 of the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance (2007:515) and Section 8 of Chapter 2 of the Ordinance concerning the Annual Reports and Budget Documentation (2000:605). In addition the board of governors shall itself decide:

  1. on important issues relating to the overall operational focus and organisation of the higher education institution,
  2. on annual reports, interim reports, budgetary records and important reports, and otherwise ensure that the institution has an internal management and auditing system that functions in a satisfactory manner,
  3. on measures resulting from audit reports and audit memoranda from the Swedish National Audit Office,
  4. on guidelines and audit routines for internal auditing and measures resulting from the observations and recommendations arising from internal audits under Section 10 of the Internal Audit Ordinance (2006:1228),
  5. on important issues relating to the internal allocation and monitoring of resources,
  6. on questions that under Section 15 must be settled by a staff disciplinary board, provided no staff disciplinary board has been established at the higher education institution or if the Government Disciplinary Board for Higher Officials is not required to issue a decision under Section 16 of Chapter 4.
  7. on the admissions procedure stated in the second paragraph of Section 3 of Chapter 6,
  8. on rules of procedure with important regulations about the overall organisation of the higher education institution, delegation of authority to make decisions, case processing and other operational procedures, unless otherwise regulated by statutes or ordinances,
  9. on an appointment procedure,
  10. on other important regulations, and
  11. other issues that are of fundamental importance.

Sections 8, 10 and 15 of Chapter 2 state that the board of governors of a higher education institution must also decide on nominating a vice-chancellor, appointing the vice-chancellor’s deputy and on the establishment of a staff disciplinary board.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 2

/Enters into effect: 1 September 2024/
The responsibilities and duties of the board of governors of a higher education institution are those laid down in Section 3 of the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance (2007:515) and Section 8 of Chapter 2 of the Ordinance concerning the Annual Reports and Budget Documentation (2000:605). In addition the board of governors shall itself decide:

  1. on important issues relating to the overall operational focus and organisation of the higher education institution,
  2. on annual reports, interim reports, budgetary records and important reports, and otherwise ensure that the institution has an internal management and auditing system that functions in a satisfactory manner,
  3. on measures resulting from audit reports and audit memoranda from the Swedish National Audit Office,
  4. on guidelines and audit routines for internal auditing and measures resulting from the observations and recommendations arising from internal audits under Section 10 of the Internal Audit Ordinance (2006:1228),
  5. on important issues relating to the internal allocation and monitoring of resources,
  6. on important issues relating to the security of the operations,
  7. on questions that under Section 15 must be settled by a staff disciplinary board, provided no staff disciplinary board has been established at the higher education institution or if the Government Disciplinary Board for Higher Officials is not required to issue a decision under Section 16 of Chapter 4.
  8. on the admissions procedure stated in the second paragraph of Section 3 of Chapter 6,
  9. on rules of procedure with important regulations about the overall organisation of the higher education institution, delegation of authority to make decisions, case processing and other operational procedures, unless otherwise regulated by statutes or ordinances,
  10. on an appointment procedure,
  11. on other important regulations, and
  12. other issues that are of fundamental importance.

Sections 8, 10 and 15 of Chapter 2 state that the board of governors of a higher education institution must also decide on nominating a vice-chancellor, appointing the vice-chancellor’s deputy and on the establishment of a staff disciplinary board.
Ordinance (2024:614).

Section 3

The vice-chancellor shall decide matters other than those referred to in Section 2, unless:

  1. otherwise regulated in statutes or ordinances, or
  2. The board of governors has decided otherwise.

However, the board of governors may not assume a duty if this ordinance or other regulation stipulates that it is incumbent upon the vice-chancellor. Ordinance (1998:1003).

Rules of procedure for the board of governors

Section 4

The board of governors is quorate when more than half its members are present, including the chair and vice-chancellor.
Ordinance (1997:1123).

Section 4a

The board of governors may entrust decisions on interim reports to the chair in consultation with the vice-chancellor. Ordinance (2002:558).

Section 5

If a matter brought before the board of governors is so urgent that there is no time to assemble and discuss it, it may be settled by communication between the chair, the vice-chancellor and at least the number of members required for a quorum. If this procedure is inappropriate, the chair may decide the matter alone after consultation with the vice-chancellor.

Decisions made under the first paragraph must be reported at the next meeting of the board of governors. Ordinance (1997:1123).

Section 6

Matters will be decided once there has been due presentation of the issue. Ordinance (1998:1003). Ordinance (1998:1003).

Appointment of members of the board of governors

Section 7

Members of the board of governors other than the vice-chancellor must be appointed for a fixed term of no more than three years. Ordinance (2018:1131).

Section 7a

Teaching staff are entitled to appoint three members of the board of governors. If, under paragraph two of Section 1, the government decides that the board of governors will have a chair and ten other members, teaching staff may appoint two members of the board of governors. The teaching staff’s representatives must be elected within the higher education institution. The institution may issue more specific regulations about the election procedure.

Students are entitled to be represented by three members of the board of governors. If, under paragraph two of Section 1, the government decides that the board of governors will have a chair and ten other members, students may appoint two members of the board of governors.

The chair and the other members of the board of governors who, under Section 4 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434:7), must be appointed by the Government, are appointed after a proposal under Section 7b. This proposal is to be preceded by consultation within and outside the higher education institution and comprise persons with competence and experience from activities of importance to the institution’s mandate under Section 2 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act. This proposal must observe even gender distribution among the members.

The staff representatives who, under the second paragraph of Section 4 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), are entitled to be present and make representations at meetings of the board of governors are appointed according to the provisions of the Staff Representatives Ordinance (1987:1101).
Ordinance (2018:1131).

Section 7b

Proposals for the chair and Government-appointed members of the board of governors must be submitted by two nominators appointed by the Government, of whom one is proposed by the higher education institution.

The individual appointed on the proposal of the institution must possess comprehensive knowledge of the activities of that institution. This individual may not hold any current management position at the institution. The other individual must represent an overarching public interest.

The nominators must be appointed for a fixed period of no more than three years. The period of these appointments may not be the same as the period for which the board is appointed.

A proposal for the chair and members of the board under the first paragraph may not include an individual who is a nominator for that institution. Ordinance (2016:745).


Section 8

The vice-chancellor must be appointed by a Government decision for a period of no more than six years after being nominated by the board of governors of the higher education institution. The appointment may be extended, but no more than twice and for no more than three years at a time.

Before the board of governors submits its nomination, the teaching staff, other employees and students must be consulted in the manner determined by the board of governors.

In the nomination process for a vice-chancellor, the board of governors must consider female and male candidates wherever possible. The board of governors must present this consideration of gender equality to the Government. Ordinance (2002:558).

Section 9

Has been repealed by ordinance (1994:1101).

Section 10

The vice-chancellor must have a deputy to serve in their place when they are not on duty. This deputy will also substitute for the vice-chancellor to the extent decided by the vice-chancellor.

The vice-chancellor’s deputy must be appointed by the board of governors.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 11

A person who is qualified for the position of professor or senior lecturer fulfils the requirements for appointment as vice-chancellor or vice-chancellor’s deputy. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 12

Has been repealed by ordinance (2004:289).

Section 13

A vice-chancellor may delegate their duties, unless otherwise specifically stipulated.

Student representation

Section 14

Section 7 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) contains a provision on the students’ right to representation when decisions are made or an enquiry undertaken.
If such decisions are to be taken or enquiries conducted by one individual, a student representative must be informed and consulted in good time before the decision is made or the enquiry completed.

If, under the second paragraph of Section 6 of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Act, a decision is to be made by a group of individuals, students have the right to be represented by at least three members. However, the number of student representatives in such a group may be reduced, if there are special grounds given the total number of members.

In other regards, the higher education institution decides on the students’ right to representation as stipulated in the first paragraph.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Staff disciplinary board

Section 15

A board of governors may establish a staff disciplinary board with the duties stated in Section 25 of the Government Agencies and Institutes Ordinance (2007:515). The vice-chancellor must chair this board. The other members of the board must be staff representatives and no more than three members appointed by the board of governors.

Staff representatives are appointed under the provisions of the Staff Representatives Ordinance (1987:1101).
Ordinance (2010:1064).

The higher education institution’s library

Section 16

A higher education institution’s library must make literature from its collections available free of charge to libraries at other higher education institutions. Ordinance (2010:1064).

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Chapter 3

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).


Chapter 4 Teaching staff

Introductory provisions


Section 1

Teachers are employed by the higher education institution. 
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Combined employment

Section 2

A higher education institution may, with the consent of an accountable authority for healthcare as stated in Section 8 of Chapter 3 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), decide that a post as professor or senior lecturer at the institution must be combined with employment at a healthcare facility that is provides medical training and research. Training and research at such a facility includes training and research in dental science.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Qualifications and assessment criteria for appointments


Section 3

Qualification requirements for employment as a professor, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise. Qualification requirements for employment as a professor in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both artistic and teaching expertise.

The assessment criteria for appointment as a professor must be the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research or artistic expertise. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that must be applied to the appointment of a professor. 
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Senior lecturers

Section 4

A person qualified for appointment as a senior lecturer is

  1. except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, someone who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence or other professional expertise that is valuable for the post’s subject matter and duties, and
  2. in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, someone who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a doctorate in fine, applied or performing arts, has demonstrated artistic expertise or has some other professional expertise that is valuable for the post’s subject matter and duties.

The assessment criteria for appointment as a senior lecturer must be the degree of expertise required as qualification for employment. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria stated in the first paragraph. Each higher education institution otherwise determines the assessment criteria that must be applied to the appointment of a senior lecturer. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Associate senior lecturers

Section 4a

Qualification requirements for employment as an associate senior lecturer are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence. Primary consideration should be given to someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent competence within five years of the deadline for application for employment as an associate senior lecturer. However, someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent expertise at an earlier date may also be considered if there are special grounds. Special grounds are sick leave, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

Each higher education institution decides the assessment criteria that must be applied to the appointment of an associate senior lecturer. Prior to such an appointment, the higher education institution must also establish the assessment criteria that will be applied to an application for promotion to senior lecturer under Section 12c.
Ordinance (2017:844).

Appointment procedure

Gender equal representation

Section 5

If a group of people must propose the applicants who should be considered for appointment to a teaching post, women and men must have equal representation in the group. However, this does not apply if there are special grounds.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Expert assessment

Section 6

When appointing a professor (including an adjunct professor) an expert assessment must be obtained regarded the applicant’s expertise, unless this is obviously unnecessary for the appraisal of their expertise.

If an assessment is obtained from two or more people, men and women must be represented equally. However, this does not apply if there are special grounds. Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 7

A higher education institution may nominate someone for appointment as a professor if this is of exceptional importance for a specific activity at the institution. If a higher education institution nominates an individual for a post, the reason why the appointment is of exceptional importance for the institution must be documented.

Only someone qualified for appointment under Section 3 may be appointed through nomination.

The decision to nominate an individual for a post is made by the vice-chancellor and cannot be delegated.

For an appointment through nomination, there is no need to submit information of the kind stated in the first paragraph of Section 6 of the Employment Ordinance (1994:373). The provisions on expert assessment in Section 6 must be applied. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Statement from an accountable authority for healthcare

Section 8

Before a teacher is offered combined employment as stated in Section 2, the higher education institution must offer the accountable authority for healthcare an opportunity to make a statement on the matter.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Fixed-term appointments

Section 9

A teaching post may be limited to a fixed term under the Employment Protection Act (1982:80), unless it is an appointment as a professor, including adjunct and visiting professor, or if nothing else is stipulated in Section 12b. In addition, the provisions in Sections 10-12a apply to fixed-term appointments.
Ordinance (2012:523).

Teachers in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts

Section 10

A teacher in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts may be employed until further notice, but for no longer than five years. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than ten years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Adjunct professors

Section 11

An adjunct professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than twelve years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Visiting professors

Section 12

An visiting professor must be employed until further notice, but until a specified date. These appointments may be extended. The total period of employment may be no longer than five years. For other aspects of these appointments, the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) applies.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Associate senior lecturers

Section 12a

An associate senior lecturer may be employed until further notice, but for no less than four years and no longer than six years, which is decided by the higher education institution prior to employment. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to have the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

An appointment under the first paragraph may be extended for a maximum of two years, if the associate senior lecturer’s sick leave, parental leave or other special grounds means that additional time is needed to achieve the purpose of this appointment.

An appointment under the first and second paragraphs is otherwise subject to the provisions of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

Exceptions may be made to the first and second paragraphs through a collective agreement that is made or approved by a central employees’ organisation. Ordinance (2017:844).

Section 12b

If a teacher has been employed under Section 12a on a fixed-term appointment at a higher education institution, no agreement may be drawn up between the higher education institution and the teacher regarding a fixed-term appointment as specified in Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) within six months of the date on which the employment under Section 12a came to an end.

Exceptions may be made to the first paragraph through a collective agreement that is made or approved by a central employees’ organisation.
Ordinance (2012:523).

Promotion to senior lecturer

Section 12c

An associate senior lecturer who is employed at a higher education institution under Section 12a must, on application, be promoted to senior lecturer at the higher education institution, provided they are

  1. eligible for employment as a senior lecturer, and
  2. assessed as suitable for such an appointment in accordance with the assessment criteria that the higher education institution decided, under the second paragraph of Section 4a, must be applied to an application for promotion to senior lecturer.

Such a promotion entails employment until further notice as a senior lecturer. Ordinance (2017:844).

Decisions on appointments

Section 13

Teachers are employed through a decision by the vice-chancellor. This also applies to decisions due to an application for promotion, as in Section 12c. Decisions concerning the appointment of professors may not be delegated. Ordinance (2017:844).

Secondary employment

Section 14

A higher education institution must inform its teachers in an appropriate manner regarding which secondary employment or types of secondary employment contravene Section 7 of Chapter 3 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434). A higher education institution must provide its teachers with advice in assessing whether a certain secondary employment complies with the provision. A higher education institution must provide a written response on an issue of this nature if a teacher requests this.

Section 7a of the Public Employment Act (1994:260) states that a higher education institution must provide its employees with appropriate information on the circumstances that may make secondary employment incompatible with Section 7 of the Public Employment Act.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 15

A teacher is obliged to keep the higher education institution informed of any secondary employment they have and which is linked to the subject area of their appointment. The higher education institution must record this information. These records must be organised so each teacher’s secondary employment can be continually monitored.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Termination of employment

Section 16

For professors, issues that fall under Section 34 of the Public Employment Act (1994:260) and Section 15 of the Letters of Appointment Employment Act (1994:261) must be assessed by the Government Disciplinary Board for Higher Officials.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 17

In cases other than those referred to in Section 16 and item 6 of the first paragraph of Section 2 and Section 15 of Chapter 2, the vice-chancellor decides on the termination of employment. Decisions terminating the employment of a professor may not be delegated.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

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Chapter 5 Employment of doctoral students

Employment on a doctoral studentship

General provisions

Section 1

Higher education institutions may establish specific posts for third-cycle students to enable them to complete their third-cycle studies.
Ordinance (2006:1053).


Section 2

A person appointed to doctoral studentship must primarily dedicate time to their own studies.

However, an employee may work to a limited extent with education, research, artistic research and administration. Before a doctorate or a doctorate in the fine, applied and performing arts has been awarded, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full-time post.
Ordinance (2014:1012).


Section 3

Only a person who is or has been admitted to third-cycle education may be employed on a doctoral studentship.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 3a

A doctoral studentship must be a full-time position. If a third-cycle student requests it, the position may be part-time but at no less than 50 per cent of a full-time position.
Ordinance (2002:139).

Section 4

On application, a third-cycle student whose financing is grant-based must be appointed to a doctoral studentship no later than the date when, according to the individual study plan, the remaining period of study corresponds to three years of full-time study before the award of a doctorate or a doctorate in the fine, applied and performing arts. This does not apply, however, if the vice-chancellor has decided on the withdrawal of the student’s resources under Section 30 of Chapter 6 of this Ordinance.
Ordinance (2017:947).

Section 4a

A third-cycle student whose financing is grant-based does not need to be appointed in accordance with Section 4 if the grant is awarded as part of

  1. an aid and capacity building programme in which grants are an accepted form of funding with reasonable terms and conditions and the admitting higher education institution has insight into these terms and conditions and how the grant is paid, or

  2. a programme funded by the European Union or other partnerships, in which grants with reasonable terms and conditions comprise an accepted form of funding and where requirements for funding through employment are a barrier to the admitting higher education institution’s participation.

Ordinance (2018:525).

Section 5

When appointing a person to a doctoral studentship, their ability to assimilate third-cycle education must be taken into account.

If appointment to a doctoral studentship is associated with admission to a study programme, the provisions in the second and third paragraphs of Section 41 of Chapter 7 on determining assessment criteria and the prohibition of preferential treatment must be applied.

The higher education institution must provide information about vacant positions in the form of advertising or some equivalent procedure, so someone interested in the position can notify the higher education institution within the stipulated period. However, information only needs to be provided if appointment to a doctoral studentship will take place in association with admission to a study programme and if information must be provided in connection with admission under Section 37 of Chapter 7.
Ordinance (2017:284).

Section 6

Appointment to a doctoral studentship must be decided by the vice-chancellor. 
Ordinance (1998:80).

Form of employment

Section 7

Employment on a doctoral studentship must be until further notice, but no longer than a given date and never longer than one year after the award of a doctorate or doctorate in the doctorate in the fine, applied and performing arts.

The initial appointment may apply for no longer than one year.
An appointment may be extended by no more than two years at a time.

A person may be employed on a doctoral studentship for a total of no more than eight years. However, the total period of employment may be no longer than that equivalent to full-time third-cycle studies of four years. For studies that conclude with the award of a licentiate degree or a licentiate degree in the fine, applied and performing arts the total employment period may not exceed the time corresponding to full-time third-cycle study for two years. The time spent studying by the third-cycle student while not appointed to a doctoral studentship must be deducted from these periods.

The total period of employment may, however, exceed that stated in the third paragraph if there are special grounds. Such grounds may comprise leave of absence because of illness, leave of absence for service in the Swedish defence forces or an elected position in a trade union or student organisation, or parental leave.
Ordinance (2009:933).

Teaching assistants and clinical assistants

General provisions

Section 8

Higher education institutions may employ teaching assistants and clinical assistants. 
Ordinance (2017:284).


Section 9

Employment as a teaching assistant may not correspond to more than 50 per cent of a full-time post. Duties must comprise educational tasks, administration or participation in research or artistic research.

A clinical assistant must work with clinical training and research.
Ordinance (2017:284).


Section 10

Only a person admitted to first or second-cycle education may be employed as a teaching assistant.

Only a person who has been awarded the degree of Master of Science in Medicine or Master of Science in Dental Surgery or is admitted or has been admitted to third-cycle studies in medicine or odontology may be employed as a clinical assistant.
Ordinance (2017:284).

Section 11

Employment as a teaching assistant or a clinical assistant must be decided by the vice-chancellor. 
Ordinance (2017:284).

Form of employment

Section 12

Teaching assistants and clinical assistants must be employed until further notice, but for no longer than one year. These appointments may be extended. The total employment period as a teaching assistant or a clinical assistant may not, however, exceed three years.
Ordinance (2017:284).

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Chapter 6 Course and study programmes

Regulations for all courses and study programmes

Introductory provision

Section 1

This chapter contains provisions on first, second and third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Chapter 11 contains provisions on open web-based learning. 
Ordinance (2018:1329).

Scope of courses and study programmes

Section 2

The scope of a course or study programme must be stated in credits, where full-time study over a normal academic year of 40 weeks is equivalent to 60 credits.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Study guidance and information

Section 3

Students must be provided with study and career guidance. Higher education institutions must ensure that anyone intending to begin a course or study programme can access the necessary information.

Higher education institutions must also ensure that admission regulations are available. Admission regulations are the higher education institution’s regulations on applications, entry requirements, selection, and admission, as well as how decisions are made and how they can be appealed.
Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 4

The only qualifications that may be awarded for courses and study programmes are those listed in Annex 2 to this ordinance (Qualifications Ordinance). 

The Qualifications Ordinance states the level at which a particular qualification must be awarded and the requirements that must be fulfilled for a particular qualification (qualification descriptors).

The following ordinances contain divergent provisions on which requirements must be fulfilled for the award of pre-school, primary, secondary and vocational teaching qualifications and the levels at which such qualifications are awarded:

  • Ordinance on supplementary teacher education (2011:686),
  • Ordinance on certain qualifications that provide qualified teacher status for teachers and pre-school teachers and on higher education programmes for the continuing professional development of teachers and educators at pre-schools that lead to qualifications in education or pre-school education (2011:689),
  • Ordinance on supplementary teacher education that leads to a Degree of Bachelor/Master of Arts/Science in Secondary/Upper Secondary Education for people with a third-cycle qualification (2016:705), and
  • Ordinance on trial activities for supplementary teacher education that leads to a Degree of Bachelor/Master of Arts/Science in Secondary/Upper Secondary Education (2021:1336).

Ordinance (2021:1338).

Section 5

The Ordinance on education for qualification as a teacher/pre-school teacher (2021:1335) contains provisions on requirements for education leading to pre-school, primary, secondary and vocational teaching qualifications. There are provisions that diverge from this ordinance in the ordinances stated in the third paragraph of Section 4. 
Ordinance (2021:1338).

Entitlement to award qualifications

Section 5a

Sections 11—13 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) contain provisions on entitlement to award qualifications. 
Ordinance (2009:933).

Section 5b

Entitlement to award masters’ degrees may be granted to universities and to higher education institutions within the areas in which they are entitled to award general third-cycle qualifications under Section 5c. This entitlement may also be granted to a higher education institution in an area in which it is not empowered to award third-cycle qualifications, if the academic environment in the area is of such a standard and extent that the higher education institution can offer courses and programmes with close links to third-cycle courses and programmes.
Ordinance (2009:933).

Section 5c

Entitlement to award general third-cycle qualifications in an area may be granted to higher education institutions other than universities, if the institution’s education and research in this area are of such a standard and extent that third-cycle courses and programmes can be offered at an advanced academic level and in otherwise sound educational circumstances. The same requirements apply to decisions under Section 15 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434).
Ordinance (2009:933).

Section 5d

Entitlement to award third-cycle qualifications in the fine, applied and performing arts in an area may be granted to universities and higher education institutions, if the courses and programmes, research and artistic development in the fine, applied and performing arts in the area at the university or higher education institution are of such a standard and extent that third-cycle courses and programmes can be offered at an advanced artistic level and in otherwise sound educational circumstances.
Ordinance (2009:933).

Section 5e

/Ceases to apply: 2 July 2024/ 
Entitlement to award the qualification of Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education with a specific specialisation may be granted to a higher education institution if

  1. courses and study programmes at the higher education institution alone or together with courses and study programmes as stated in item 3, fulfil the requirements on courses and study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education,
  2. courses and study programmes at the higher education institution include subject studies in at least one teaching subject, and
  3. courses and study programmes in that teaching subject or other teaching subjects that may be required for the award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education are offered at another higher education institution that is entitled to award a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education in this subject or these subjects, or by a foreign higher education institution that offers equivalent courses and study programmes.

Ordinance (2011:687).

Section 5e

/Enters into effect: 2 July 2024/
Entitlement to award the qualification of Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education with a specific specialisation may be granted to a higher education institution if

  1. courses and study programmes at the higher education institution alone or together with courses and study programmes as stated in item 3, fulfil the requirements for courses and study programmes that lead to the award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education,
  2. courses and study programmes at the higher education institution include subject studies in at least one teaching subject, and
  3. courses and study programmes in that teaching subject or other teaching subjects that may be required for the award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education are offered at another higher education institution that is entitled to award a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education in this subject or these subjects, or by a foreign higher education institution that offers equivalent courses and study programmes.

Teaching subject has the same meaning as that in Chapter 1, Section 4 of the Ordinance on education that leads to qualification as a teacher or pre-school teacher (2021:1335). Ordinance (2024:166).

Section 5f

Entitlement to award a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education with a specific specialisation that may be awarded on completion by the student of courses and study programmes under the Ordinance on Supplementary Educational Programmes Leading to the Award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education (2011:866) may be granted to a higher education institution if the institution

  1. will award such a qualification to students who fulfil the requirements for the award of a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education as stated in the ordinance referred to, and
  2. is entitled to award a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education/Upper Secondary Education with this specialisation under Section 5e.

Ordinance (2011:687).

Credit transfer

Section 6

If a student at a higher education institution in Sweden has passed a course or study programme of higher education, they are entitled to transfer the awarded credits to a course or study programme at another higher education institution. This does not apply, however, if there is a substantial difference between these courses or study programmes.

The same applies for students who have successfully completed a course or study programme

  1. at a university or higher education institution in Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway,
  2. at a university or other higher education institution of a signatory to the Council of Europe’s Convention of 11 April 1997 on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region,
  3. at a university or other higher education institution of a signatory to the UNESCO’s Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education from 25 November 2019, or
  4. at Nordiska högskolan för folkhälsovetenskap (NHV — The Nordic School of Public Health).

Ordinance (2023:32).

Section 7

A student is entitled to transfer credits from a course or study programme other than that stated in Section 6 if the nature and extent of the knowledge and skills cited by the student are such that they generally correspond to the course or study programme for which the credits are to be transferred. A student may also be given credit for the equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in a vocational or professional capacity. Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 8

The higher education institution must assess whether credits can be awarded for prior education or prior professional or vocational experience.

Credits may only be awarded to someone who is a student, unless otherwise stated in a statute or ordinance.
Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 9

A student who fulfils the requirements for the award of a qualification must, upon request, be provided with a certificate. 
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 10

In the certificate the higher education institution must state

  1. the title of the qualification
  2. the level in which it was awarded
  3. if the qualification forms part of a joint degree as stated in Section 17 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434)
  4. the courses included in a qualification at the first or second-cycle level, and
  5. the higher education institution at which the courses stated in item 4 or the corresponding third-cycle education were completed.

A translation of the title of the qualification to one or more languages may be included in the certificate. 
Ordinance (2011:687).

Section 10a

The certificate must be accompanied by

  1. a diploma supplement that describes the study programme and its place in the educational system, and
  2. for a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education, a diploma supplement that lists the professional and relevant vocational expertise used as a basis for the special entry requirements under Section 4 of the Ordinance on Admission to Programmes Leading to the Award of a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education (2010:2021) and the provisions issued in conjunction with that paragraph.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue more detailed specifications for the contents of a diploma supplement under item 1 above.
Ordinance (2012:712).

Section 11

If a certificate is awarded for studies conducted at more than one higher education institution, it must be issued by the institution at which the student completed their education. This does not apply, however, if the higher education institutions involved have reached some other agreement or the institutions must jointly issue a joint degree under Section 17 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434).
Ordinance (2009:1068).

Joint degrees

Section 11a

A higher education institution may only participate in educational cooperation under the second paragraph of Section 17 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) if this cooperation is based on a written agreement.
A higher education institution listed in the annex to the Higher Education Act may only enter an agreement of this kind with

  1. another higher education institution subject to the Higher Education Act,
  2. an independent course provider entitled to award a qualification under the Act Concerning Authority to Award Certain Qualifications (1993:792), or
  3. a higher education institution outside Sweden that is not a physical individual.

Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 11b

A higher education institution referred to in Section 11a may only enter into an agreement described in that paragraph if the conditions stipulated in the second and third paragraphs are fulfilled.

Through the agreement, the higher education institution must ensure that

  1. every component of the study programme is arranged by one of the higher education institutions party to the educational cooperation, and
  2. the components of the programme arranged by an institution other than the higher education institution itself must also be based on a scientific or artistic footing and on proven experience, and must be conducted so that the programme achieves a high standard.

The agreement must state

  1. the programme component(s) the higher education institution must provide,
  2. the programme component(s) another higher education institution must provide,
  3. to which higher education institution or institutions that provide programme components an applicant to the programme will be be admitted,
  4. that the higher education institution may only admit applicants to the programme component provided by the higher education institution,
  5. when a student who has been admitted to a programme component by another higher education institution must be considered a student under Section 11c,
  6. that a student must be able to transfer credits for a successfully completed programme component at another higher education institution to the programme at the higher education institution without special review,
  7. what qualification the programme can lead to at each higher education institution, and
  8. other conditions required for the programme to be provided.

Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 11c

A student at another higher education institution for a programme component that is subject to an agreement of the kind stipulated in Section 11a must be considered a student who has been admitted to the higher education institution that is party to such an agreement when they study within the framework of the programme at that higher education institution. This only applies if

  1. the other higher education institution provides the programme component to which it has admitted the student, and
  2. the agreement does not stipulate that the student must also be admitted by the higher education institution.

Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 11d

Credits for a component of a programme subject to an agreement of the kind stated in Section 11a and which has been successfully completed by a student at another higher education institution must be transferred to a programme at a higher education institution party to the agreement without special review.
Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 11e

A higher education institution referred to in Section 11a may only award a joint degree if

  1. the student has completed a programme subject to an agreement under the same paragraph and fulfilled the requirements for the award of a qualification at the higher education institution and at least one other higher education institution that has provided a programme component,
  2. each higher education institution awarding a qualification included in the joint degree may confer the degree awarded by the higher education institution,
  3. each qualification included in the joint degree and which is awarded by a higher education institution subject to the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) or by an independent course provider refers to the same qualification as that of the higher education institution, and
  4. every qualification included in the joint degree and which is awarded by a foreign higher education institution is at the same cycle as at the higher education institution.

Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 11f

When a higher education institution referred to in Section 11a awards a joint degree with another higher education institution, it may use the same certificate for conferral as the other higher education institution.
Ordinance (2009:1068).

Section 12

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

First and second-cycle courses and study programmes

Courses and study programmes

Section 13

All first and second-cycle study programmes must be provided in the form of courses. Courses may be combined to create study programmes.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Course syllabus

Section 14

A course must have a course syllabus.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 15

The course syllabus must state the following: the cycle in which the course is given, the number of credits, intended learning outcomes, specific entry requirements, forms of assessment and any other necessary regulations.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Programme syllabus

Section 16

A study programme must have a programme syllabus. Section 14 states that the course syllabuses are required for the courses included in the programme. 
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 17

The programme syllabus must state the following: the courses included in the study programme, specific entry requirements and other necessary regulations.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Scope of certain study programmes

Section 17 a

Annex 4 of this ordinance states the minimum number of hours of study that study programmes leading to certain professional qualifications must consist of under Directive 2005/36/EG of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (Professional Qualifications Directive). Ordinance (2023:34).


Section 18

Unless otherwise provided by the higher education institution, a grade shall be awarded on completion of a course. The higher education institution may determine which grading system is to be used.

Specific provisions on grading for a course that is wholly or partially teaching practice as part of education leading to pre-school, primary, secondary and vocational teaching qualifications are found in the Ordinance on education for qualification as a teacher/pre-school teacher (2021:1335).

A grade under the first or second paragraph above must be determined by a teacher specifically nominated by the higher education institution (the examiner).

Ordinance (2021:1338).

Section 19

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Course certificate

Section 20

Upon request, a student who has passed a course must receive a course certificate from the higher education institution.

If the course certificate is awarded for studies conducted at more than one higher education institution, it must be issued by the institution at which the student completed the course. However, this does not apply if the higher education institutions concerned have specifically agreed otherwise.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Number of examinations

Section 21

If a higher education institution limits the number of occasions on which a student may take an examination in order to complete a course or part of a course, this number of occasions must be at least five. If passing a course or part of a course requires the student successfully completing a placement or corresponding training, the number of periods of placement or corresponding training must be at least two.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 22

A student who has taken two examinations on a course or a part of a course without obtaining a pass grade is entitled to have another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons to the contrary.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Amending grades

Section 23

A decision under Section 36 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) on rectification of a typographical error or similar concerning a grade must be made by an examiner.
Ordinance (2018:957).

Reviewing grades

Section 24

If an examiner finds that a grading decision is obviously incorrect due to changed circumstances or for some other reason, they must change the decision if this can be done quickly and easily and does not mean lowering the grade.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Third-cycle courses and study programmes


Section 25

A university or higher education institution entitled to award third-cycle qualifications must determine the subjects in which third-cycle courses and programmes may be provided.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

General study syllabus

Section 26

Each subject that provides third-cycle education must have a general syllabus.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 27

A general syllabus must state the following: the main content of the study programme, specific entry requirements and any other necessary regulations.
Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 28

At least two supervisors must be appointed for each third-cycle student. One of them must be appointed principal supervisor. The third-cycle student is entitled to supervision during their studies unless the vice-chancellor has decided otherwise with the support of Section 30.

Upon request, a third-cycle student must be allowed to change supervisor.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Individual study plans

Section 29

An individual study plan must be drawn up for each third-cycle student. This plan must include the obligations of the third-cycle student and the higher education institution and a timetable for the third-cycle student’s study programme. The plan must be adopted after consultation between the third-cycle student and their supervisors.

The individual study plan must be reviewed regularly and amended by the higher education institution as necessary and after consultation with the third-cycle student and their supervisors.

The period of study may only be extended if there are special grounds for doing so. Such grounds may comprise leave of absence because of illness, leave of absence for service in the Swedish defence forces or an elected position in a trade union or student organisation, or parental leave.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Entitlement to supervision and other resources

Section 30

If a third-cycle student substantially neglects their obligations under the indivi¬dual study plan, the vice-chancellor must decide that this student is no longer entitled to supervision and other study resources. Before such a decision is made, the third-cycle student and their supervisors must be given an opportunity to make representations. The case must be considered on the basis of their statements and other available records. The assessment must consider whether the higher education institution has fulfilled its own obligations under the individual study plan. The decision must be in writing and provide reasons.

Resources may not be withdrawn for any period in which the third-cycle student has been appointed to a doctoral studentship or is receiving a doctoral grant.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 31

If educational resources have been withdrawn under Section 30, the third-cycle student may have their right to supervision and other resources restored after application to the vice-chancellor. The third-cycle student must then convincingly demonstrate, by presenting prospective study results of considerable quality and scope or in some other way, that they can fulfil their remaining obligations under the individual study plan.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Examination grades

Section 32

Examinations included in third-cycle courses and study programmes must be assessed in accordance with the grading system prescribed by the higher education institution.

The grade must be determined by a teacher specifically nominated by the higher education institution (the examiner).
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Public defence and grading doctoral thesis

Section 33

The qualification descriptors for doctorates and doctorates in the fine, applied and performing arts state that a pass grade on a doctoral thesis is required for the award of these degrees.

The doctoral thesis must have been orally defended at a public defence. An external reviewer must be appointed for the public defence.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 34

At least one person who participates in grading the doctoral must be someone who does not have a position at the higher education institution awarding the degree.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 35

A higher education institution may issue regulations on the grading system to be used and on public defences and grading in other respects.
Ordinance (2010:1064).


Section 36

The vice-chancellor may not delegate decisions under Sections 30 and 31.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 37

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 38

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 39

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 40

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 41

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 42

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 43

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 44

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 45

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 46

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 47

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 48

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 49

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

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Chapter 7 Admission to courses and study programmes

General provisions on admission to first or second-cycle courses and study programmes

Section 1

Admission to first or second-cycle higher education studies must be to a course or a study programme.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 2

To be admitted, applicants must meet the general entry requirements as well as any specific entry requirements that may be prescribed.

Sections 5-8 of the Ordinance on Application Fees and Tuition Fees at Higher Education Institutions (2010:543) state that in certain cases payment of a tuition fee is a requirement for admission.
Ordinance (2010:544).

Section 3

If there are special grounds, a higher education institution may decide to waive one or more entry requirements. A higher education institution must waive one or more entry requirements if the applicant has the capacity to assimilate the course or study programme without meeting the entry requirements.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 4

A person seeking admission to first or second-cycle higher education must apply within the time prescribed and in compliance with the procedures set by the higher education institution.

Sections 2 & 3 of the Ordinance on Application Fees and Tuition Fees at Higher Education Institutions (2010:543) state that in certain cases an application fee must be paid before an application can be considered.

Issues relating to admission are settled by the higher education institution.
Ordinance (2018:957).

Section 4a

A higher education institution may decide that an applicant who is subject to the Ordinance on Application Fees and Tuition Fees at Higher Education Institutions (2010:543) can only be admitted to a course or programme through a special admissions round.

The institution decides how many special admission rounds will be provided for a course or programme.
Ordinance (2014:37).

Admission to first-cycle courses and study programmes intended for new entrants to higher education

General entry requirements

Section 5

A person meets the general entry requirements for courses or study programmes that begin in the first cycle and that are intended for new entrants to higher education if they have:

  1. knowledge of Swedish and English,

  2. a scholarly approach,

  3. the ability to examine issues from multiple perspectives,

  4. problem-solving abilities,

  5. the ability to draw conclusions and motivate them, and

  6. other competence that is necessary to benefit from such education.

An applicant must be considered as possessing the necessary competence under items 1-6 of the first paragraph in the cases stated in Sections 5a and 5b.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue more detailed regulations concerning the requirements stated in items 1-6 of the first paragraph.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 5a  

An applicant must be considered as possessing the necessary competence as stated in Section 5 if they have:

  1. been awarded a preparatory qualification for higher education from an upper-secondary school programme or an upper-secondary school programme in adult education,
  2. been awarded a vocational qualification from an upper-secondary school programme or an upper-secondary school programme in adult education and also has the grade E or higher in the courses in Swedish or Swedish as a Second Language and English required for the award of a preparatory qualification for higher education in an upper-secondary programme,
  3. received a Swedish education or education abroad corresponding to the requirements in items 1 or 2,
  4. residency of Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway and are qualified for higher education there, or
  5. under older regulations, fulfilled the requirements for general entry requirements for first-cycle courses or study programmes or for courses or study programmes that begin in the first cycle, or
  6. a pass grade in an assessment of qualifications such as that referred to in the Ordinance on Trials of Qualification Assessments for Admission to Higher Education (2018:1510).

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue more detailed regulations on the requirements stated in item 3 of the first paragraph.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 5b

In addition to that stated in Section 5a, an applicant can show that they have the necessary competence as stated in Section 5 through a Swedish education or education outside of Sweden, practical experience or some other circumstance.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 6 

A person with a native language other than Swedish, Danish, Faroese, Icelandic or Norwegian must have the knowledge of Swedish necessary to be considered as meeting the general entry requirements.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue more detailed regulations concerning the requirement stated in the first paragraph. However, a person whose native language is Finnish and who has studied Swedish as a subject at a Finnish upper-secondary school or at a corresponding type of Finnish school for three or more years must be considered as having the requisite knowledge of Swedish.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 7

Has been repealed by ordinance (2007:644).

Specific entry requirements

Section 8

The stated specific entry requirements must be essential for a student to be able to assimilate the course or study programme. These requirements may comprise

  1. knowledge from one or more courses in an upper-secondary school programme or the corresponding knowledge,
  2. a pass grade in an artistic assessment for a programme that leads to a qualification in the fine, applied or performing arts,
  3. suitability, under that stated in Section 9b, and
  4. other conditions under item 2 in the first paragraph of Section 11.

A person who by virtue of education in Sweden or abroad, practical experience or some other circumstance has the potential to assimilate the course or study programme also meets the specific entry requirements.
Ordinance (2020:881).

Section 9 

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations on the specific entry requirements under item 1 of the first paragraph of Section 8 that will apply to a study programme intended for new entrants to higher education and which leads to a professional qualification or a qualification in the fine, applied or performing arts as stated in Annex 2 of this ordinance.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 9a 

For study programmes intended for new entrants to higher education and which lead to a qualification in the fine, applied or performing arts as stated in Annex 2 of this ordinance, a higher education institution may issue regulations that entail that the specific entry requirements for the study programme include a pass grade in an artistic assessment under item 2 of the first paragraph of Section 8, instead of the requirements for which the Swedish Council for Higher Education has issued provisions under Section 9.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 9b

For study programmes that start in the first cycle and lead to the award of a qualification as a pre-school teacher, primary school teacher, secondary or upper-secondary school teacher, a higher education institution may issue regulations under which the specific entry requirements demand that the applicant is suitable for the study programme. These demands must relate to the applicant’s ability to assimilate programme components that are directly linked to future professional practice as a pre-school teacher or teacher. These demands must be applicable in addition to the specific entry requirements for access to the study programme under Sections 8 and 9.
Ordinance (2020:881).

Section 10 

A higher education institution may, insofar as specific entry requirements are imposed, issue regulations on what requirements under item 1 of the first paragraph of Section 8 must apply for courses and study programmes other than those referred to in Section 9.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations on the upper-secondary school courses to which requirements under the first paragraph may refer.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 10a

Denoted as Section 9 of Chapter 7 by ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 11

If special grounds exist for admission to a specific course or study programme, a higher education institution may issue regulations on

  1. requirements for knowledge from other courses in upper-secondary school or the equivalent knowledge other than that stated in Section 9 or the second paragraph of Section 10, or
  2. requirements other than knowledge from one or more courses in upper-secondary school or the equivalent knowledge, if this is necessary for the course or study programme or is of significance for the profession for which the course or study programme provides preparation.

Before the higher education institution issues regulations under the first paragraph, the Swedish Council for Higher Education must have the opportunity to remark on the institution’s proposal.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Selection — selection criteria

Section 12

The applicant’s qualifications must be considered during selection.

The selection criteria are

  1. grades,

  2. results from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test under Section 20, and

  3. selection criteria as stated in Section 23.

Ordinance (2018:1503)

Section 12a

If qualifications are otherwise equivalent in the selection criteria under items 1 and 3 in the second paragraph of Section 12, selection may also be conducted through

  1. results from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test under Section 20,
  2. a test other than the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test,
  3. interviews, or
  4. lottery.

If qualifications are otherwise equivalent in the selection criteria under item 2 in the second paragraph of Section 12, selection may also be conducted through

  1. a test other than the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test,
  2. interviews, or
  3. lottery.

After the use of a lottery, selection may not be conducted through the other items in the first or second paragraphs.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Selection — allocation of places

Section 13

For selection for a course or study programme, places must be allocated as follows

  1. at least one-third on the basis of grades,
  2. at least one-third on the basis of results from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test, and
  3. no more than one-third on the basis of selection criteria decided by the higher education institution under Section 23.

More detailed regulations about the allocation of places on the basis of grades are provided in Annex 3 to this ordinance. For other applicants with grades not listed in the annex, the Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue provisions about which of the groups stated in item 1 of Annex 3 they are to be included in for place allocation.
Ordinance (2012:712).

Section 14

For admission to a course or study programme leading to the award of a qualification in the fine, applied or performing arts, a higher education institution may, despite the provisions of Section 13, allocate all the places on the basis of other specific tests as stated in Section 23, maybe combined with other selection criteria under Section 12.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 15

If there are special grounds, the Swedish Council for Higher Education may permit a higher education institution to allocate places on a specific course or study programme differently to that stated in Section 13 and to allocate places using a different basis than the selection criteria specified in Section 12, for example if the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is assessed has having a poor predictive ability and there is a low level of competition in the selection based on the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. However, some proportion of places must always be allocated on the basis of grades and on the results of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. Such permission must be for one or more specific admission periods. Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 15a

In selecting applicants for a course or study programme leading to the award of a qualification in the fine, applied or performing arts, the Swedish Council for Higher Education may permit a higher education institution to allocate all the places on the basis of the specific tests stated in Section 23, maybe combined with other selection criteria under Section 12. Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 16

In isolated cases, a higher education institution may deviate from Sections 12 and 13. However, this may only occur if it is impossible to assess an applicant's qualifications appropriately using the selection criteria stated in Section 12 and if the applicant, through prior education, professional or vocational experience or some other circumstance, has specific knowledge or some other specific aptitude for the course or study programme.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Selection — priority

Section 17

Notwithstanding Sections 12 and 13, for admission to a course intended for new entrants to higher education, a higher education institution may give priority to people who are already students at the institution.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Selection — grades

Section 18

Annex 3 of this Ordinance contains specific provisions on how grades are to be evaluated.

Some courses from upper-secondary school are of particular merit for selection (weighted courses). Weighted courses are courses that are not included in the general or specific entry requirements.

Weighted courses are advanced courses in the subject

  1. modern languages,

  2. Swedish sign language for hearing people,

  3. English, and

  4. Mathematics.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue further regulations that are otherwise necessary for the weighting of grades.

Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 18a

Has been repealed by ordinance (2011:1020). 

Section 19

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations on what grades awarded under earlier regulations and grades from education abroad must be considered equivalent to, in relation to a university entrance qualification or upper secondary vocational diploma or in municipal adult education at upper secondary level.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Selection — Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test

Section 20

There must be a common Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test for all higher education institutions in Sweden. A result in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is valid until the end of the calendar half-year eight years after the date of the test.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education is responsible for

  • producing the test,
  • at least one test being conducted in each half of the calendar year, and
  • deciding the results of the test.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education must consult the higher education institutions intending to use the test as a basis for selection about how the test is conducted. These higher education institutions must assist the Swedish Council for Higher Education with conducting the test.
Ordinance (2022:341).

Section 20a

Has been repealed by ordinance (2022:340).

Section 21

A person who wishes to sit the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test must

  1. be over or turn 18 years of age in the calendar year in which the test is held, and
  2. pay a fee of SEK 550 when applying to take the test.

That stated in the first paragraph (1) does not apply to someone who

  1. is an upper-secondary school student studying the spring semester of their second year or later, or
  2. has an upper secondary qualification or study certificate from a national programme at upper secondary school or has a pass grade for a course of education equivalent to upper secondary school.

Ordinance (2023:83).

Section 21a

A person who uses unauthorised aids or who by other means attempts deception during the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test must

  1. not receive a result from the test, and
  2. be excluded from participating in the test for a period of two years from the date of the attempt.
    A decision under the first paragraph is made by the Swedish Council for Higher Education.

Ordinance (2022:1219).

Section 22

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue further regulations concerning the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test.

Ordinance (2016:846).

Selection — selection criteria determined by the higher education institution

Section 23

As far as stated in item 3 of the first paragraph of Section 13, a higher education institution may determine selection criteria. A selection criterion decided by a higher education institution must comprise objective circumstances that are important for the course or study programme.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Admission to first-cycle courses and study programmes intended for students who are not new entrants to higher education

General entry requirements

Section 24

A person who meets the general entry requirements under Sections 5 & 6 meets the general entry requirements for courses and study programmes that begin in the first cycle and are intended for students who are not new entrants to higher education.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Specific entry requirements

Section 25

The stated specific entry requirements must be essential for a student to be able to assimilate the course or study programme. These requirements may comprise

  1. knowledge from one or more courses in an upper-secondary school programme or equivalent knowledge,
  2. knowledge from one or more courses in higher education, and
  3. other conditions determined by the course or study programme or are of significance for the professional or vocational area for which the course or study programme provides preparation.

The higher education institution may decide which requirements will be made under the first paragraph.

A person who by virtue of education in Sweden or abroad, practical experience or some other circumstance has the potential to assimilate the course or study programme also meets the specific entry requirements.
Ordinance (2011:1020).


Section 26

The applicant’s qualifications must be considered during selection.

The selection criteria are

  1. grades,
  2. results from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test referred to in Section 20,
  3. prior courses and study programmes, and
  4. selection criteria as stated in Section 23.

The higher education institution may decide which of the selection criteria stated in the second paragraph will be applied and how places are to be allocated.

If qualifications are otherwise equivalent, selection may also be conducted in accordance with that stated in Section 12a.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 27

In isolated cases, a higher education institution may deviate from Section 26. However, this may only occur if an applicant’s qualifications cannot be properly evaluated using the selection criteria stated in Section 26 and if the applicant has specific knowledge or otherwise special grounds relevant to the programme due to previous education, professional experience or some other circumstance.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Admission to second-cycle courses and study programmes

General entry requirements

Section 28

A person meets the general entry requirements for a study programme leading to the award of a second-cycle general qualification or a second-cycle qualification in the fine, applied and performing arts if they

  1. possesses a first-cycle qualification comprising at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad, or
  2. through courses and study programmes in Sweden or abroad, practical experience or some other circumstance has the aptitude to assimilate a second-cycle study programme.

Exemptions from the requirement for a qualification under item 1 in the first paragraph may occur if an applicant is considered to meet the requirements for the award of such a qualification but no certificate has been issued due to special grounds.
Ordinance (2018:1503).

Section 29

A person meets the general entry requirements for a study programme leading to the award of a second-cycle professional qualification that requires specific professional registration or the prior award of a specific qualification if they have acquired the specified professional registration or possesses the specified qualification. A person who fulfils the conditions stated in item 2 of the first paragraph of Section 28 also meets the general entry requirements. However, this does not apply if the study programme leads to the award of a professional qualification that requires professional registration.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 30

A person meets the general entry requirements for second-cycle courses and study programmes other than those stated in Sections 28 and 29 if they have completed first-cycle courses and study programmes or fulfils the conditions stated in item 2 of the first paragraph of Section 28.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Specific entry requirements

Section 31

The stated specific entry requirements must be essential for a student to be able to assimilate the course or study programme. These requirements may comprise

  1. knowledge from one or more higher education courses, and
  2. other conditions determined by the course or study programme or are of significance for the professional or vocational area for which the course or study programme provides preparation.

The higher education institution may decide which requirements will be made under the first paragraph.

A person who by virtue of education in Sweden or abroad, practical experience or some other circumstance has the potential to assimilate the course or study programme also meets the specific entry requirements.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 31a

For admission to programmes leading to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training or in Special Educational Needs, the requirements placed with the support of Section 31 may not include an independent (degree) project or the equivalent.
Ordinance (2012:188).


Section 32

Selection must be conducted under the provisions of Section 26 and 27.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Selection for admission to courses or programmes that begin at first or second-cycle level through special admission rounds

Section 32 a

During special admission rounds under Section 4a, the provisions in the second and third paragraphs must apply to selection instead of the provisions on selection in Sections 12–23, 26, 27 and 32.

The applicant’s qualifications must be considered during selection.

A higher education institution may issue regulations on the selection criteria to be applied and how places are to be allocated.

The selection criteria must consist of objective circumstances that are significant for the course or programme. If qualifications are otherwise equivalent, selection may also be conducted through tests or interviews or by lottery. After the use of a lottery, however, selection may not be conducted using tests or interviews.
Ordinance (2014:37).

Deferment of studies and approved leave from first or second-cycle studies

Section 33

If there are special grounds, a higher education institution may decide that students admitted to first or second-cycle studies at the institution

  1. may defer the start of their studies, or
  2. may continue their studies after an approved leave of absence.

The provisions of the first paragraph also apply to students under Section 11c of Chapter 6, if the programme component provided at the higher education institution is at the first or second cycle.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations concerning deferment of studies and approved leave of absence from studies.
Ordinance (2012:712).

Admission to third-cycle courses and study programmes

General provisions

Section 34

The number of third-cycle students admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes may not exceed the number that can be offered supervision and otherwise acceptable conditions for study and who have student finance under Section 36.
Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 35

For admission to third-cycle courses and study programmes, the applicant must

  1. meet the general entry requirements and specific entry requirements prescribed by the higher education institution, and
  2. be considered in other respects to have the ability required to assimilate the course or study programme.

Ordinance (2010:1064).

Section 36

A higher education institution may admit an applicant to third-cycle courses and study programmes who is appointed to a doctoral studentship. The higher education institution may also admit an applicant who has some other form of funding for their studies if it assesses that

  1. funding can be guaranteed during the entire period of study, and
  2. the applicant can devote enough time to their studies to enable their completion within four years in the case of a licentiate degree or a licentiate degree in the fine, applied and performing arts or eight years in the case of a doctorate or a doctorate in the fine, applied and performing arts.

For an applicant with funding via a grant, funding under item 1 of the first paragraph is regarded as guaranteed if the grant is equivalent to the pay level for doctoral students regulated by a Swedish collective agreement or standard practice in the profession, after deductions for preliminary tax at source according to the tax table equivalent to the average tax rate for municipalities and regions and which is published annually by Statistics Sweden. If the applicant will alternate time in Sweden and another country, the requirement for the level of the grant only applies to the time the applicant intends to be in Sweden.
Ordinance (2019:1014).

Admission procedure

Section 37

Decisions relating to admission are made by the higher education institution. A person who wishes to be admitted to a third-cycle course or study programme must apply within the time prescribed and in compliance with the procedures established by the higher education institution.

When a higher education institution intends to admit one or more third-cycle students, information must be provided by the institution through advertising or some equivalent method. Information need not, however, be provided

  1. when admitting a third-cycle student who is to complete the course or study programme within the framework of employment by an employer other than the higher education institution,
  2. when admitting a third-cycle student who has previously begun third-cycle studies at another higher education institution, or
  3. if there are similar special grounds.

Ordinance (2006:1053).

Section 38

A higher education institution that is entitled to award third-cycle qualifications within an area may permit a third-cycle student who has been admitted to some other university or some other higher education institution to transfer to the institution without a new admission process and to continue their courses and study programmes and graduate there. However, this only applies if the third-cycle student has completed the major part of their third-cycle studies at the institution in the area in which entitlement to award third-cycle qualifications is granted.

What is stated in the first paragraph must also apply if a higher education institution has been granted the title of university and is entitled to award third-cycle qualifications under Section 11 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434).
Ordinance (2010:1064).

General entry requirements

Section 39

A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if they have

  1. been awarded a second-cycle qualification,
  2. satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
  3. acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The higher education institution may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Specific entry requirements

Section 40

The stated specific entry requirements must be essential for a student to be able to assimilate the course or study programme. These requirements may comprise

  1. knowledge from one or more higher education courses and study programmes or corresponding courses and study programmes,
  2. specific professional or vocational experience, and
  3. necessary language skills or other conditions determined by the course or study programme. 

Ordinance (2006:1053).


Section 41

Selection between applicants who meet the requirements stated in Sections 35 and 36 must consider their ability to assimilate the course or study programme.

The higher education institution decides which assessment criteria will be used in determining the ability to assimilate the course or study programme.

However, during selection, the fact that an applicant is assessed as able to transfer credits from prior courses and study programmes or for professional or vocational experience may not give the applicant priority over other applicants.
Ordinance (2010:1064).

Special bodies

Section 42

Has been repealed by ordinance (2010:1064).

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Chapter 8

Has been repealed by ordinance (2006:1053).

Chapter 9

Has been repealed by ordinance (2006:1053).


Chapter 10 Disciplinary measures

General provisions

Section 1

Disciplinary measures may be taken against students who

  1. use prohibited aids or other methods to attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment of study performance,
  2. disrupt or obstruct teaching, tests or other activities that are part of courses and study programmes at the higher education institution,
  3. disrupt activities in the library of the higher education institution or other facilities at the institution, or
  4. subject another student or employee of the higher education institution to harassment or sexual harassment of the kind stated in Section 4 of Chapter 1 of the Discrimination Act (2008:567).

Disciplinary measures may not be taken more than two years after the offence has been committed.
Ordinance (2008:944).

Disciplinary Measures

Section 2

Disciplinary measures are warning and suspension.

A suspension decision means that the student is prohibited from participating in instruction, tests or other activities that are part of courses and study programmes at the higher education institution. The decision must be for one or more periods, but not exceed six months in total.

A suspension decision may also be limited to cover access to specific premises at the higher education institution.

Disciplinary boards

Section 3

Cases involving disciplinary measures must, unless otherwise stipulated in Section 9, be dealt with by a disciplinary board. Every higher education institution must have a board of this kind.

Section 4

The disciplinary board must consist of the vice-chancellor as chair, a legally qualified member who must hold or have held tenure as a judge, and a representative of the teaching staff at the higher education institution. The students at the higher education institution are entitled be represented on the board by two members.
Ordinance (1998:1003).

Section 5

The legally qualified member and the member representing the teaching staff must be appointed by the higher education institution for a period of three years.
Ordinance (1998:1003).

Section 6

The members of the board representing the students are appointed for a period of one year.

Section 7

When the chair is unable to attend, the deputy vice-chancellor or another specially appointed deputy acts as chair of the disciplinary board.

There must be a deputy for each member of the board. The deputy for the legally qualified member must hold or have held tenure as a judge. The deputies must be appointed according to the same procedure and for the same period as the members of the board.
Ordinance (1998:1003).

Section 8

The disciplinary board is quorate when at least three of its members are present, among them the chair and the legally qualified member.

If there are differences of opinion when a case is to be settled, the provisions of Chapter 29 of the Code of Judicial Procedure relating to votes in courts of law consisting exclusively of legally qualified members must be applied.
Ordinance (1998:1003).

Rules of procedure

Section 9

The vice-chancellor must be promptly informed if there is well-founded suspicion that an offence of the kind stated in Section 1 has been committed.

The vice-chancellor must have the matter investigated and provide the student with an opportunity to make representations concerning the complaint. The vice-chancellor must then, after consultation with the legally qualified member when appropriate, decide whether the circumstances are such that the matter will

  1. be dismissed without further action,
  2. lead to a warning from the vice-chancellor, or
  3. be referred for hearing by the disciplinary board.

Ordinance (1998:1003).

Section 10

A decision by the vice-chancellor to issue a warning may be submitted to the disciplinary board by the student for review. The student shall be informed of this right.

Miscellaneous provisions

Section 11

The disciplinary board must ensure that a case referred to it us investigated thoroughly. The board must give the student involved in the case an opportunity to address the board on the issue. The student is also entitled to be present when others address the board, unless there are special grounds to the contrary.
Ordinance (2004:289).

Section 12

A decision to suspend must take immediate effect, unless otherwise stated in the decision.

Section 13

When a decision on suspension has been made, the Swedish Board of Student Finance and the relevant bodies at the higher education institution must be informed without delay.

Interlocutory suspension

Section 14

If a case is referred to the disciplinary board, after consultation with the legally qualified member the vice-chancellor may order the immediate interim suspension of the student from activities at the higher education institution.

A decision on interim suspension must apply until the disciplinary committee has reviewed the case, but for no longer than one month.
Ordinance (1998:1003).

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Chapter 11 Open web-based learning

Section 1

Open web-based learning refers to education which is offered via the internet and is open to everyone, with no entry requirements.

Open web-based learning may be provided if it links to and promotes higher education at first-cycle, second-cycle or third-cycle levels for which the higher education institution has degree-awarding powers, or if it links to and promotes research conducted at the higher education institution.
Ordinance (2018:1329).

Section 2

Other provisions on education, students and third-cycle students in this ordinance do not apply to open web-based learning.

References to the Higher Education Ordinance in other ordinances only include the provisions in this chapter if this is specifically stated.
Ordinance (2018:1329).

Section 3

A higher education institution may arrange tests for participants and grade completed courses in open web-based learning or parts of such courses.

The higher education institution may issue regulations on tests and grades.
Ordinance (2018:1329).

Section 4

A higher education institution may issue course certificates to participants who complete courses.

A higher education institution may issue regulations about course certificates.
Ordinance (2018:1329).

Section 5

A higher education institution may issue additional regulations about open web-based learning.
Ordinance (2018:1329).


Chapter 12 Appeals

Section 1

Has been repealed by ordinance (1999:1037).

Section 2

The following decisions of a higher education institution may be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board:

  1. a decision relating to employment at a higher education institution, with the exception of appointment to a doctoral studentship or to senior lecturer under Section 12c of Chapter 4,

  2. a decision under Section 13 of Chapter 4 to reject an application for promotion,

  3. a decision that an applicant does not meet the general entry requirements for admission to first or second-cycle level courses and study programmes and a decision not to grant an exemption from the general entry requirements for admission in cases stated in the second sentence of Section 3 or the second paragraph of Section 28 of Chapter 7,

  4. a decision on the transfer of credits for courses and study programmes or professional or vocational activities,

  5. rejection of a student’s application for exemption from a compulsory component on a course or study programme,

  6. a decision to withdraw study resources from a third-cycle student under Section 30 of Chapter 6 and a decision that a student is not to recover these resources under Section 31 of Chapter 6,

  7. rejection of a student’s request to be issued with a degree certificate or a course certificate, and

  8. a decision not to allow a person admitted to first or second-cycle courses and study programmes to defer the start of their studies or to continue their studies after an approved period of leave.

Ordinance (2017:844).

Section 3

Section 40 of the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) contains provisions on appeals to a public administrative court. However, no appeals are allowed regarding decisions by a disciplinary board other than for decisions on suspension or warnings.
Ordinance (2018:957).

Section 4

Appeals against decisions by a higher education institution on matters other than those stated in this chapter may only be made if this is permitted by a statute other than the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900).

Section 5

/New denotation Chapter 12 Section 6: 1 July 2023/ Decisions made by the Higher Education Appeals Board may not be appealed.
Ordinance (2002:81).

/Enters into effect: 1 July 2023/ Decisions made by the Swedish Council for Higher Education under Section 21a of Chapter 7 may be appealed to the Higher Education Appeals Board.

Other decisions made by the Swedish Council for Higher Education under this ordinance may not be appealed.
Ordinance (2022:1219).

Section 6

New denotation Chapter 12 Section 5: 1 July 2023/ Decisions made by the Swedish Council for Higher Education under this ordinance may not be appealed. 
Ordinance (2012:712).

Section 6 /Enters into effect: 1 July 2023/ Decisions made by the Higher Education Appeals Board may not be appealed. 
Ordinance (2022:1219).

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Entry into effect and transitional provisions

Ordinance 1993:100

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 1993, unless otherwise provided in paragraph two or three. The following provisions shall enter into effect on 1 March 1993, viz.

(a) provisions relating to admission to courses and study programmes in chapters 8 and 10:

in so far as those commenced after 30 June 1993 are concerned

(b) the provisions of Section 10 of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 6 and Sections 16 and 17 of Chapter 9 relating to the appointment to certain positions and bodies at a higher education institution:

in so far as employees and bodies are concerned whose activities commence after 30 June 1993.

If the new provisions relating to admission to courses and study programmes have been applied, the provisions of chapter 13 shall apply as regards the right to appeal against decisions taken in the admission process.

Ordinance (1993:159).

3. If an act or statute issued by the Government refers to a provision that has been replaced by a provision in this ordinance, the new provision shall apply instead.

5. A matter at a higher education institution that has not been determined by the end of June 1993 shall be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, unless otherwise specifically provided. The board of governors of a higher education institution shall issue further regulations concerning the management of such matters.

6. Anyone who on 30 June 1993 holds a post as a lecturer or junior lecturer shall be considered to hold a post as a senior lecturer or lecturer.

7. Anyone who on 30 June 1993 holds a post as a teacher of an odontological subject with a clinical connection shall be appointed to a post as a senior lecturer without the notification of the post as vacant.

8. The position of assistant dentist shall be abolished on retirement of current holders. Anybody who on 30 June 1993 is employed for a fixed period on such a post shall be permitted to retain the post until the expiry of the current period.

9. If a position has been declared vacant and applications invited before 1 July 1993, the older provisions concerning appointment to and qualification for the position shall apply to the appointment. The academic appointments board shall not then, however, be required to have the composition laid down in earlier provisions.

Ordinance (1993:952).

10. If an appointment procedure has been raised in an academic appointments board before the end of June 1993, but not yet decided, the board may decide the matter with the composition it had at the end of the month of June 1993.

11. Those who have commenced courses in degree programmes before 1 July 1993 shall be given an opportunity to complete them pursuant to the earlier provisions. This opportunity shall, however, continue only until 30 September 2000.

Ordinance (1999:1037).

12. Those who have commenced courses and study programmes before 1 July 1993 shall, even when these do not form part of degree programmes, also be entitled to the award of qualifications pursuant to the earlier provisions until 30 September 2000.

Ordinance (1999:1037).

13. Those who have been admitted to courses and study programmes before 1 July 1993 and been granted deferment shall be considered to have been admitted to corresponding courses and study programmes pursuant to the new provisions.

14. Applicants who meet the general entry requirements pursuant to the previous wordings of the provisions shall continue to meet general entry requirements until the end of 1999.

15. Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test results that pursuant to earlier provisions remain valid on 1 July 1993 shall have extended validity pursuant to the new provisions in the third paragraph of Section 9 of Chapter 8.

16. Earlier provisions shall continue to apply to appeals against decisions or recommendations issued before this ordinance enters into effect.

Ordinance 1994:1101

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 1994.

3. Those who have completed a two-year optician's programme and in the period 1 January 1994-1 July 1995 completed a registration course pursuant to earlier provisions shall acquire the status of qualified opticians. This shall also apply to persons who have completed the above optician's programme pursuant to earlier provisions and who after 1 January 1995 have completed supplementary training at Karolinska Institutet.

Ordinance (1995:337).

4. Those who have commenced programmes in dentistry prior to 1 July 1994 shall be entitled to a degree pursuant to earlier provisions until the end of 1998.

Ordinance 1995:253

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 April 1995. Appeal against decisions issued before its entering into effect shall comply with earlier provisions.

Ordinance 1995:944

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 1995.

2. If an appointment has been referred to an academic appointments board before the ordinance entered into effect but has not yet been decided, the board may decide the matter with the composition it had when the ordinance entered into effect.

Ordinance 1996:913

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 November 1996.

3. Those who before 1 November 1996 have commenced a programme to become an upper-secondary school teacher shall be entitled to a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions until the end of June 2002. Those awarded the qualification after 1 January 1998 must, however, possess the ability to use computers and other information technology aids in their own learning and knowledge about how these aids can be used in teaching children and young people/pupils.

Ordinance 1996:984

1. Section 2 of Chapter 2 and Section 3 of Chapter 7 of this ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 March 1997 and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 December 1996.

3. Applicants meeting general entry requirements pursuant to provisions applying before 1 July 1993 shall be considered to meet general entry requirements until the end of 1999.

4. A person shall be considered to meet general entry requirements:

  • if he or she has completed a national or a specifically designed upper-secondary school programme and has the grades in his/her school-leaving certificate laid down in provisions prior to 1 July 1994 or has completed a corresponding programme and has corresponding grades from adult upper-secondary education
  • fulfils the general entry requirements pursuant to provisions in force before 1 July 1993 and has a school-leaving certificate from a four, three or two-year upper-secondary school programme or a two-year special upper-secondary school course with contents that largely correspond to at least a two-year upper-secondary school programme or has corresponding grades from state or municipal adult education, or
  • has been awarded a certificate before 1 July 1998 by a folk high school testifying to general eligibility for higher education studies.

Ordinance (1999:687).

Ordinance 1998:80

1. Section 3 of Chapter 9 of this ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 1999, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 April 1998.

2. The earlier provisions of Sections 2 & 6 of Chapter 5, shall apply to those who have been appointed to doctoral studentships before 1 April 1998. The earlier provisions of Section 6 of Chapter 5 shall also apply to employment as a doctoral student that terminates before the end of 2003 for doctoral students who have been admitted to doctoral studies before 1 April 1998 but had not been appointed to a doctoral studentship before that date.

Ordinance (2001:23).

3. The earlier provisions of Section 9 of Chapter 5, shall apply until 30 June 1999 to those employed as assistants before 1 April 1998.

4. The new provision in Chapter 5, Section 4 shall apply to those awarded doctoral grants for the first time after 31 December 1997. This shall, however, not apply to those admitted to doctoral studies before 1 April 1998 and only subsequently awarded doctoral grants and who on 1 April 1998 had been studying for more than three years, or two years and five months in the case of full-time study.

Ordinance (1998:160).

5. The stipulations in Section 10 of Chapter 5 on the disciplinary domain of medicine shall refer until 1 January 1999 to faculties of medicine or odontology.

Ordinance 1998:1003

1. Sections 7a, 9 & 13 of Chapter 1 and Appendix 1 of this ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 September 1998, and the remainder of this ordinance on 1 January 1999.

2. The earlier provision in Section 3 of Chapter 1 shall apply, if a matter has been raised with the Office of the Chancellor of Justice before 1 January 1999.

3. The new provision in Section 11 of Chapter 4 on promotion to professorships shall also apply to senior lecturers who at the time this ordinance takes effect hold the position of associate professor.

4. Senior lecturers who at the time this ordinance takes effect hold posts as associate professors may continue to hold such posts after the ordinance takes effect for as long as they are employed as senior lecturers.

5. The new provisions of Sections 17 & 18 of Chapter 4 shall apply to appointment procedures that begin on 1 January 1999 or later.

6. If an appointment procedure concerning a professor or a senior lecturer has commenced but not been completed before 1 January 1999, opinions pursuant to the new provision in Section 21 of Chapter 4 shall be submitted to the faculty board or corresponding body, unless they have been submitted to the academic appointments board before 1 January 1999.

If an opinion has been submitted to the academic appointments board before 1 January 1999 but the procedures have not been completed by the board, pursuant to the earlier provisions in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, the board shall submit a recommendation to the vice-chancellor.

After a recommendation has been submitted to the vice-chancellor as laid down in the second paragraph, the vice-chancellor may decide on the appointment without further consideration as laid down in the new provisions in Section 20 of Chapter 4. This shall also apply when an academic appointments board has submitted a recommendation to the vice-chancellor on an appointment prior to 1 January 1999 and the vice-chancellor has issued no decision on the matter before 1 January 1999.

7. If the process of appointing a visiting professor has commenced but not been completed before 1 January 1999, the earlier provisions in the third sentence of paragraph two of Section 18 of Chapter 4 shall apply instead of the new provisions in Sections 26 & 27 of Chapter 4.

8. If the process of appointing a postdoctoral research fellow has commenced but not been completed before 1 January 1999, the earlier provisions in paragraph three of Section 18 of Chapter 4 shall apply.

9. The new provisions in Sections 12 & 23 of Chapter 4, shall apply to appointment procedures initiated on 1 January 1999 or later.

10. If a person has been employed in a post pursuant to the earlier provisions in items 1—7, 9 or 10 of Section 21 of Chapter 4, the earlier provisions shall also apply to renewal or extension of the employment that takes place on 1 January 1999 or later.

Ordinance (2002:761).

11. The earlier provision in the second paragraph of Section 13 of Chapter 4 shall apply to those who held posts as postdoctoral research fellows before 1 January 1999 instead of the new provision in the second paragraph of Section 10 of Chapter 4.

12. The new provision in item 4 of the first paragraph of Section 1 of Chapter 10 shall apply to offences committed on 1 January 1999 or later.

13. The new provisions in Sections 4 & 7 of Chapter 10 shall be applied from 1 January 1999 when legally qualified members and their deputies are to be appointed.

14. If a decision referred to in item 4 of the first paragraph of Section 2 of Chapter 12 has been issued prior to 1 November 1998, earlier provisions shall apply to the right of appeal.

Ordinance (1998:1272).

Ordinance 1998:1271

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 November 1998.

2. If a decision pursuant to item 2 of the first paragraph of Section 2 of Chapter 13 has been issued before this ordinance takes effect, earlier provisions shall apply to the right of appeal.

Ordinance 1999:30

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 May 1999.

2. Those who have begun training programmes for assistant ship's engineers, chief engineers, masters or mates before 1 August 1998 shall be entitled to a qualification pursuant to earlier provisions until 31 January 2002.

Ordinance 1999:1037

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2000.

2. If the appointment of a postdoctoral research fellow has commenced but not been completed by 1 January 2000, the earlier provisions in the first paragraph of Section 10 of Chapter 4 shall apply.

3. Earlier regulations shall continue to apply to appeals against decisions issued before this ordinance entered into effect.

Ordinance 2000:651

1. Appendix 2 of this ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 August 2000, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 September 2000.

2. Those who have commenced a programme in dispensing pharmacy at Uppsala University prior to 1 February 2001 shall be entitled to a diploma pursuant to earlier provisions until 1 February 2005.

Ordinance 2001:23

1. Items 6, 30 and 38 in appendix 2 of this ordinance and item 2 in the transitional provisions of the Ordinance concerning Amendment of the Higher Education Ordinance (1998:80) shall enter into effect on 1 March 2001, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 July 2001.

2. Those who have commenced a programme in teaching children and young people, art teaching, primary and secondary school teaching , home economics teaching, physical education teaching, music teaching or craft teaching before 1 July 2001 shall be entitled to obtain a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions until the end of June 2008.

3. Those who have commenced a programme in upper-secondary school teaching before 1 July 2001 but after 31 October 1996 shall be entitled to the award of a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions until the end of June 2008.

4. Those who prior to 1 July 2001 have commenced a programme which mainly complies with the syllabus for primary and secondary teaching that applied until 30 June 1993 (UHÄ 1988-05-31) but who have not yet undergone professional training and teaching practice shall be entitled to such training pursuant to the earlier provisions until the end of 2003.

5. Those who have commenced a programme in special needs teaching before 1 July 2001 shall be entitled to the award of a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions until the end of June 2003.

Ordinance 2001:211

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 2001.

Ordinance (2009:618).

Ordinance 2001:212

This ordinance shall apply until 30 June 2006.

After that date it will continue to apply to those employed as associate senior lecturers on 30 June 2006.

Ordinance 2001:972

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2002. The new provisions of paragraphs two and three of Section 15 of Chapter 6 shall apply to degree certificates issued on 1 January 2003 or later.

Ordinance 2002:761

1. Section 3b of Chapter 8 of this ordinance enters into effect on 1 July 2003, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 January 2003.

2. The new provisions shall apply for the first time to admissions to undergraduate programmes in the autumn semester of 2003 with regard to Sections 3, 4, 7, 9—11 and 16c of Chapter 7, and in the autumn semester of 2004 with regard to Section 13 of Chapter 7. Until then earlier provisions shall apply.

Ordinance 2003:343

1. Section 9 of Chapter 1, Section 2 of Chapter 2 and Section 1 of Chapter 10 of this ordinance enter into effect on 1 July 2003, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 November 2003.

2. The provision in Section 18 of Chapter 7 shall apply for the first time in connection with applications for the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test the spring of 2004.

Ordinance 2004:383

This ordinance enters into effect on 1 July 2004. Earlier provisions shall apply to appointment procedures concerning those who have been employed as researchers by research councils.

Ordinance 2005:401

Appendix 2 of this ordinance enters into effect on 1 July 2005, and Appendix 1 on 1 October 2005.

Ordinance 2005:1037

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 February 2006 and shall apply for the first time to admissions to undergraduate programmes in the autumn semester of 2006.

Ordinance 2006:1053

1. Section 16 of Chapter 1 of this ordinance enters into effect on 1 September 2006, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 January 2007. With the exception of Section 16 of Chapter 1, the ordinance is to apply to admission to courses and study programmes that begin after the end of June 2007 and to the employment of doctoral students after that time, and also, unless otherwise stated in items 3 and 4 to courses and study programmes pursued after the end of June 2007 or qualifications awarded after that date.

2. Earlier provisions shall apply to admission to courses and programmes that begin before 1 July 2007 and the employment of doctoral students before that date, and also to courses and study programmes undertaken prior to 1 July 2007 or qualifications awarded before that date.

3. The earlier provisions are to apply with regard to courses or corresponding elements in doctoral programmes that begin before 1 July 2007 and continue after that date.

4. The earlier provisions are to apply to qualifications awarded after the end of June 2007, if all studies for the award of the qualification were completed in their entirety before that date.

5. Those who have started a course or study programme leading to a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions in Annex 2 (The System of Qualifications) before 1 July 2007 and those admitted to such a programme before that date but allowed to defer the programme until after that date are entitled to complete their studies and obtain a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions, though not later than the end of June 2015.

6. One credit awarded prior to 1 July 2007 to indicate the extent of undergraduate or graduate studies is the equivalent of one and a half credits pursuant to the new provisions.

7. The extent of a qualification that may pursuant to items 4 & 5 be awarded after the end of June 2007 as laid down in the earlier provisions of Annex 2 (Qualifications Ordinance) shall be indicated in credits according to the earlier provisions. The diploma issued for a qualification referred to in item 5 shall also indicate the corresponding extent of the qualification in higher education credits according to the new provisions.

8. The expression 'third-cycle courses and study programmes' in the new provisions corresponds to what are termed in earlier provisions 'postgraduate courses and study programmes'.

9. If previous studies or a first-cycle qualification are required for the award of a second-cycle qualification pursuant to the new provisions, those who have corresponding studies or a corresponding qualification from undergraduate programmes will also fulfil the requirements for the qualification.

10. If a specific number of credits or a qualification from previous first or second-cycle courses and study programmes are required for admission to second or third-cycle courses and study programmes, those with corresponding credits or qualifications from undergraduate programmes will also be eligible.

11. Those who meet the general entry requirements for doctoral programmes before 1 July 2007 will also be considered to meet the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes after that, however, until no later than the end of June 2015.

12. Those admitted to undergraduate courses and study programmes who have been allowed to defer commencement of their studies until after 1 July 2007 will be considered to have been admitted to corresponding courses and study programmes pursuant to the new provisions. However, this does not apply if the student admitted has opted to make use of her or his rights pursuant to item 5.

13. It follows from item 4 of the transitional provisions in the Act (2006:173) on amendment of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) that decisions on entitlement to award qualifications made by the Government or the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education pursuant to earlier provisions continue to apply.

14. In applying Chapter 4, Section 30, item 6 of the new provisions, teaching in an undergraduate programme will be treated as equivalent to teaching in first or second-cycle courses and study programmes.

15. Those who have been admitted to undergraduate courses and study programmes pursuant to the earlier provisions may also be employed as teaching or administrative assistants pursuant to the new provisions in the second paragraph of Section 10 of Chapter 5.

16. The provision in the first paragraph of Section 10 of Chapter 6 stipulating that the certificate is to state the cycle in which a qualification is awarded is not to apply with regard to qualifications awarded pursuant to earlier provisions.

17. The earlier provisions in Section 2 of Chapter 12 continue to apply with regard to appeals against decisions that have been issued pursuant to earlier provisions.

18. The new provisions in Sections 31 & 32 of Chapter 6 stipulating that at least two supervisors are to be appointed for each doctoral student and that at least one of them must have undergone training for supervisors or judged to have corresponding skills, are to apply with regard to doctoral students commencing their studies after the end of June 2007.

Ordinance 2006:1054

1. Section 9a, 10a & 18a of Chapter 7 of this ordinance enter into effect on 15 August 2007, and the remainder of the ordinance on 1 January 2010.

Ordinance (2007:666).

2. The new provisions shall apply for the first time to admission to courses and study programmes beginning after the end of May 2010.

Ordinance (2009:1328).

3. Those who before 1 January 2010 meet the general entry requirements for admission to undergraduate courses and study programmes or courses and study programmes that begin in the first cycle of higher education shall be considered to meet the general entry requirements for courses and study programmes beginning in the first cycle of higher education. For those who prior to 1 July 2008 were considered to meet the general entry requirements laid down in Section 7 of Chapter 7 in its wording prior to 1 January 2008 this applies, however for no longer than until 31 December 2011.

Ordinance (2008:229).

4. For applicants who prior to 1 January 2010 meet the general entry requirements for admission to undergraduate courses and study programmes or courses and study programmes beginning in the first cycle of higher education the corresponding earlier provisions are to be applied instead of the new items 4 - 7 & 9 in Appendix 3. Grades from courses according to the subject plans that apply for upper-secondary education from 1 July 2011 and local authority adult education at upper-secondary level from 1 July 2012 onwards shall not however be taken into account in the aggregate course value or grade points in those cases where the grades are not
- included in the final school grades or the equivalent of final school grades from earlier programmes in upper-secondary education or earlier state or local authority adult education, or
- one of the specific entry requirements for the programme applied for.

Ordinance (2012:529).

5. The new provisions in Annex 3, items 3 and 8 are also to apply to grades submitted by those who have started upper-secondary education on syllabuses introduced into upper-secondary schools in the autumn of 2000 or later and in upper-secondary adult education on 1 July 2001 or later.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations stipulating that earlier grades may be recognised as credit increments or assigned incremental value in other ways.

Ordinance (2014:1012).

Ordinance 2007:129

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 May 2007. Unless otherwise stated in items 3 or 4, the ordinance is to apply with regard to teaching qualifications awarded after the end of June 2007.

2. The earlier provisions are to apply with regard to teaching qualifications awarded prior to 1 July 2007.

3. The earlier provisions are also to apply with regard to teaching qualifications awarded after the end of June 2007, if the courses and study programmes listed in the certificate were completed in their entirety before that date.

4. Those who commenced courses and study programmes leading to the award of a teaching qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions before 1 July 2007 and those admitted to such a programme before that date but allowed to defer commencement of the programme until later are entitled to complete their studies and obtain a teaching qualification pursuant to the older provisions, although until no later than the end of June 2023.

Ordinance (2016:958).

5. The scope of a teaching qualification that may, pursuant to 3 and 4, be awarded pursuant to the earlier provisions after the end of June 2007, is to be denominated in credits as laid down in the earlier provisions. The diploma issued for a teaching qualification referred to in point 4 is also to indicate the corresponding scope of the qualification in credits in accordance with the stipulations in item 6 of the entry into effect and transitional provisions in the Ordinance (2006:1053) concerning Amendment of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100).

Ordinance 2007:644

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2008 and shall be applied for the first time to admission to courses and study programmes that begin after 30 June 2008.

2. The earlier provisions are to apply to admission to courses and study programmes that begin before 1 July 2008.

3. Those who before 1 July 2008 meet the general entry requirements for admission to courses and study programmes that begin in the first cycle shall also be considered to meet the general entry requirements for courses and study programmes beginning in the first cycle, this applies, however for no longer than until 31 December 2011.

Ordinance 2009:933

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2010.

2. A higher education institution that is not a university which at the end of 2009 was entitled to award third-cycle qualifications in a disciplinary domain may thereafter also award these qualifications in an area corresponding to the disciplinary domain, however until no later than the end of 2010.

3. A higher education institution which pursuant to 2 may award third-cycle qualifications shall no later than the end of 2010 notify the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education of the areas in which the institution is offering third-cycle courses and programmes that fulfil the requirements laid down in Section 13 of Chapter 1 of the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) as well as Section 5c of Chapter 6 of the new provisions. After this notification the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education may grant the higher education institution permission to award third-cycle qualifications in these areas.

4. Entitlement to award masters degrees in a disciplinary domain awarded pursuant to earlier provisions continues to apply.

Ordinance 2009:1068

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2010. The provisions of Sections 8 and 10—11f of Chapter 6 and Section 33 of Chapter 7 will apply to courses and programmes commencing after the end of June 2010.

Ordinance 2009:1222

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2010.

2. Those who prior to 1 January 2010 have begun courses and programmes at Växjö University or Kalmar University College and those previously admitted to such courses and programmes but granted deferment before commencing their studies shall be considered to be students at Linnaeus University with no new admission procedure and are entitled to complete their studies there.

Ordinance 2010:541

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 2011.

Ordinance (2010:542).

2. Those who began a teacher education programme or a programme leading to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training before 1 July 2011 according to the previous regulations and those previously admitted to such a programme who had been granted deferment of commencement of their studies until a later date are entitled to complete their studies for the award of a qualification according to the previous regulations until the end of June 2018 where Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training are concerned or up to and including the end of June 2023 where teacher education programmes are concerned.

Ordinance (2016:958).

Ordinance 2010:544

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 July 2011 with regard to Section 5 of Chapter 6 and Annex 4 and otherwise on 1 July 2010.

Ordinance 2010:700

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 August 2010 and will be applied for the first time to admission to courses and programmes beginning after 31 December 2010.

2. Earlier provisions apply to admission to courses and programmes beginning before 1 January 2011.

Ordinance 2010:1064

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2011.

2. The earlier provisions in items 1-5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall, except for the regulations on extension of fixed-term appointments, apply to those who prior to 1 January 2011 have been appointed for a fixed term pursuant to these provisions. These are to apply for as long as the appointment continues. In dealing with a case involving transition from a fixed-term appointment to an appointment for an indefinite period pursuant to the earlier provisions in item 5 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 the earlier provisions laid down in Sections 7, 8, 9 & 28 of Chapter 4 shall be applied.

3. The earlier provisions in Section 8a of Chapter 4 and item 6 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on fixed-term appointment as an associate senior lecturer may be applied until the end of September 2011.

4. In cases concerning those appointed as associate senior lecturers prior to 1 October 2011 the earlier provisions in item 6 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall apply for as long as the appointment continues. Appointments of this kind may be extended pursuant to the earlier provisions.

5. The earlier provisions in Section 10 of Chapter 4 and item 7 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on fixed-term employment as a postdoctoral research fellow may be applied until the end of September 2011.

6. In cases concerning those appointed as postdoctoral research fellows prior to 1 October 2011 the earlier provisions in item 7 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 shall apply for as long as the appointment continues. Appointments of this kind may be extended pursuant to the earlier provisions.

7. The earlier provisions in Sections 5-8a, 11-13a, 20-23 & 24a-28 of Chapter 4 shall apply to cases of promotion submitted to a higher education institution but not completed before 1 January 2011. In applying the earlier provisions the tasks for which a faculty board or corresponding body is responsible shall instead be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution.

8. If an appointment procedure for a teacher in cases other than those referred to in item 7 above has begun but not been completed before 1 January 2011, the earlier provisions in Sections 2, 5-10, 15, 20-22, 24, 24a & 26-30 of Chapter 4 apply to the procedure. In applying the earlier provisions the tasks for which a faculty board or corresponding body is responsible shall instead be dealt with by the individuals or groups of individuals decided by the higher education institution.

9. In cases involving those who pursuant to item 8 above were appointed after 1 January 2011 by virtue of the earlier provisions in items 1-5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 these earlier provisions are to apply for as long as the appointment continues. The earlier provisions in items 1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 in Section 30 of Chapter 4 on extension of fixed-term appointments and conversion of fixed-term appointments to appointments for an indefinite period shall not, however, apply.

10. In calculating the length of employment of a teacher in the fine, applied and performing arts as laid down in Section 10 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as a teacher in the fine, applied and performing arts pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 1 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account.

11. In calculating the length of employment of an adjunct professor as laid down in Section 11 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as an adjunct professor pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 2 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account.

12. In calculating the length of employment of a visiting professor as laid down in Section 12 of Chapter 4 in the new provisions, the length of employment as a visiting professor pursuant to the earlier regulations in item 9 of Section 30 of Chapter 4 is to be taken into account.

13. The earlier provisions in Section 2 of Chapter 12 continue to apply to decisions issued by virtue of earlier provisions.

Ordinance 2010:2020

1. The provisions of this ordinance relating to Annex 3 to the Higher Education Ordinance and item 5 of the provisions on the entry into effect and to the transitional conditions concerning the Ordinance on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance (2006:1054) shall enter into effect on 15 January 2011 and otherwise on 1 January 2013.

2. The new provisions in Annex 3 to the Higher Education Ordinance and item 5 of the provisions on the entry into effect and transitional conditions relating to the Ordinance on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance (2006:1054) shall be applied for the first time to admissions to courses and study programmes that begin after 31 May 2011. Otherwise the new provisions are to be applied for the first time to admissions to courses and study programmes that begin after 31 May 2013.

3. The earlier provisions on general entry requirements shall continue to apply to those who prior to 1 July 2015 have been awarded final school grades from a complete national or specially designed upper-secondary school programme or who have been awarded final school grades from an upper-secondary school programme in adult education prior to 1 July 2025.

Ordinance (2021:245).

4. In addition to what is stipulated in 3, those who meet the general entry requirements for courses or study programmes that begin in the first cycle and that are intended for new entrants to higher education prior to 1 January 2013 shall thereafter also be considered to meet the general entry requirements for courses and study programmes that begin at first-cycle level. For those who prior to 1 July 2008 were considered to meet general entry requirements of the kind laid down in in Section 7 of Chapter 7 with the wording in force until 1 January 2008, this applies, however, until no later than 31 December 2011.

Ordinance 2011:687

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 23 June 2011 with regard to item 4 in the entry into effect and transitional regulations for ordinance 2007:129 on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) and otherwise on 1 July 2011.

Ordinance 2011:946

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 January 2012 and shall be applied for the first time to admission to courses and study programmes that begin after the end of May 2012.

Ordinance 2011:1020

1. This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 August 2012.

Ordinance (2012:519).

2. The new provisions shall apply for the first time to admissions to courses and programmes that begin after 31 December 2012.

Ordinance (2012:519).

3. The earlier provisions in Annex 3, but not item 8 of the second paragraph regarding how no more than one credit increment may be for field-specific weighted courses according to j and k, nor that stated in the same item, third paragraph j and k, apply to those who have been awarded final school grades from a complete national or specially designed programme in upper-secondary education or from an upper-secondary programme in adult education.

In the application of the first paragraph in relation to credit increments, a grade of pass or higher in the subject Swedish sign language for hearing people shall be considered the equivalent of a course in a modern language subject.

A grade for a course in accordance with the subject syllabi that apply to upper-secondary education from 1 July 2011 and thereafter and in public authority adult education at upper-secondary level from 1 July 2012 and thereafter must, despite the provisions in the first paragraph above, be assigned a numerical value as laid down in item 4 of Annex 3 in its new wording.

Ordinance (2019:276).

4. /Ceases to apply 1 January 2022 by virtue of ordinance (2018:1503)./ The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue regulations on which field-specific weighted courses pursuant to item 4 of the third paragraph of Section 18 of Chapter 7 in the earlier provisions are to be weighted courses.

Ordinance (2012:712).

Ordinance 2012:188

This ordinance enters into effect on 1 June 2012 and is to be applied for the first time to admissions to courses and programmes that begin after 31 December 2012.

Ordinance 2012:523

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 15 August 2012.

Ordinance 2012:529

This ordinance shall enter into effect on 1 August 2012.

Ordinance 2012:584

1. This ordinance enters into effect on 15 October 2012.

2. The new provisions shall apply for the first time when members of the board of a higher education institution are to be appointed from 1 May 2013 and thereafter.

3. The previous provisions still apply when members of the board of a higher education institution are to be appointed for a period up to and including the end of April 2013.

Ordinance 2012:712

This ordinance enters into effect on 2 January 2013.

Ordinance 2013:32

The provisions in this ordinance relating to Annex 1 enter into effect on 1 July 2013 and otherwise on 1 March 2013. Insurance policies that have been taken out before 1 March 2013 are subject to the earlier provisions for as long as each policy is valid.

Ordinance 2013:525

1. This ordinance enters into effect on 23 July 2013.

2. Insurance pursuant to Section 11c of Chapter 1 shall be provided so that it applies from 1 January 2014 and thereafter.

3. The provisions in Section 4 of Chapter 5 in their new wording shall apply with respect to third-cycle programmes that begin after 31 December 2013.

Ordinance 2013:617

The provisions in this ordinance relating to Annex 2 enter into effect on 1 August 2013 and otherwise on 1 January 2014.

Ordinance 2013:695

This ordinance enters into effect on 1 January 2014.

Ordinance 2013:825

This ordinance enters into effect on 1 December 2013.

Ordinance 2013:924

This ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2014.

Ordinance 2013:1008

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 February 2014.

2. The provisions in Section 18 of Chapter 7 and in Annex 3 as well as item 3 in the transitional provisions in the Ordinance (2011:1020) on Amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) in their new wordings shall apply for the first time to admission to courses and programmes that begin after 15 August 2014.

Ordinance 2013:1118

1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 February 2014.

2. The earlier provisions are to be applied with regard to Bachelors of Arts in Pre-School Education, Higher Education Diplomas in Vocational Education and Bachelors/Masters of Arts/Science in Primary Education, in Secondary Education or in Upper Secondary Education awarded after 31 January 2013, if the entire programme leading to this award has been completed prior to this date and the student requests the award of a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions. This applies up to the end of June 2021.

3. Those who prior to 1 February 2014 have begun a programme leading to the award of a Bachelor of Arts in Pre-School Education, a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education or a Bachelor/Master of Arts/Science in Primary Education, in Secondary Education or in Upper Secondary Education pursuant to the earlier provisions and those who have been admitted to a programme of this kind but granted deferment of their studies until some later date are entitled to complete the programme for the award of a qualification pursuant to the earlier provisions, although no later than by the end of June 2021.

Ordinance 2013:1175

This ordinance comes into effect on 1 March 2014.

Ordinance 2014:3

1. This ordinance enters into effect on 15 February 2014.

2. The ordinance shall be applied for the first time to courses and programmes that begin after 31 December 2013.

3. Those who began a physiotherapist programme pursuant to earlier provisions and those previously admitted to such a programme who had been granted deferment of commencement of their studies until a later date are entitled to complete their studies for the award of a qualification according to the previous regulations, although no later than the end of 2017.

Ordinance 2014:37

1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 March 2014.

2. The new provisions shall apply for the first time to admissions to courses and programmes that begin after 15 August 2014.

Ordinance 2014:125

This ordinance comes into effect on 15 April 2014.

Ordinance 2014:371

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 July 2014.

2. The new provisions concerning courses that either entirely or to some extent include placement shall apply to those programmes leading to the award of a qualification as a pre-school teacher, primary teacher, secondary or upper-secondary school teacher or vocational teacher beginning after the end of December 2014. (2014:1096)

Ordinance 2014:1012

The provisions in this ordinance relating to Sections 20–22 of Chapter 7 enter into effect on 1 December 2014 and its other provisions on 1 September 2014. 

Ordinance 2014:1096

This ordinance comes into effect on 21 October 2014.

Ordinance 2016:154

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 July 2016. 

2. This ordinance is first applied to the issue of courses and study programmes that are conducted and Higher Education Certificates in Folk High School Education that are awarded after the end of December 2016. 

3. Older provisions are still applicable to courses and study programmes that are conducted and Higher Education Certificates in Folk High School Education that are awarded prior to 1 January 2017.

4. Persons who have started a programme leading to a Higher Education Certificate in Folk High School Education before 1 January 2017 and persons who have previously been admitted to such a programme but have received a respite until a time after this for which to start the programme, are entitled to complete the programme to receive a qualification according to the older provisions, however this is only applicable until the end of December 2020.

Ordinance 2016:745

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 August 2016.

2. The older provisions in Section 7b of Chapter 2 still apply in reference to the nomination committees that were appointed before this comes into effect and when persons are thereafter appointed to fill vacancies in such a nomination committee. However, these provisions cease to apply after two nominators have been appointed for the higher education institution pursuant to the new provisions and have been tasked with submitting proposals for members of the board of governors who are to be appointed by the Government.

Ordinance 2016:846

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 2 August 2016.

2. The new provisions in Section 21 will first be applied to participation in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test that occurs after they come into effect.

Ordinance 2017:284

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 July 2017.

2. For doctoral students with doctoral grants provided before 30 June 2022, the old wording of Section 4 and Sections 8 to 12 of Chapter 5 applies.

Ordinance 2017:844

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 October 2017.

2. The new provisions in Sections 4a and 12c of Chapter 4 and the provisions in Sections 12a and 13 of Chapter 4 and Section 2 of Chapter 12 with the new wording may be applied to appointment procedures that start after they come into effect and must be applied in appointment procedures starting after 1 April 2018.

3. If the new provisions in Sections 4a and 12c of Chapter 4 and the provisions in Sections 12a and 13 of Chapter 4 and Section 2 of Chapter 12 with the new wording are not applied to an appointment procedure that starts before 1 April 2018, the older provisions in Sections 12a of Chapter 4 must be applied to the appointment. 

4. The older provisions in Section 12a of Chapter 4 remain applicable to appointments to teachers in career-development positions, if the teacher was employed prior to 1 October 2017.

Ordinance 2017:893

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 2 July 2018.

2. Persons who have started a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education or a Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Upper Secondary Education before 2 July 2018 and persons who have previously been admitted to such a programme but have received a respite until a time after this for which to start the programme, are entitled to complete the programme to receive a qualification according to the older provisions, however this is only applicable until the end of December 2024.

Ordinance 2017:947

1. Section 11c of Chapter 1 of this ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2018 and other provisions on 1 July 2018.

2. The new provisions in Sections 4 and 4a of Chapter 5 are applied with reference to third-cycle education that is intended to lead to the award of a PhD or a doctorate in the fine, applied or performing arts and which starts after 1 July 2018.

Ordinance 2017:1111

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 3 July 2018.

2. The provisions with the old wording must be applied with reference to Postgraduate Diplomas in Special Needs Training and Postgraduate Diplomas in Special Educational Needs that are awarded prior to 3 July 2018, if the programme for the diploma has been entirely completed prior to this. This applies until the end of June 2025.

3. Those who commenced study programmes leading to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training or a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs pursuant to the older wording, and those admitted to such a programme but allowed to defer commencement of the programme until later, are entitled to complete their studies and obtain a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training or a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs pursuant to the provisions using the older wording, although until no later than the end of June 2025.

Ordinance 2018:1131

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 September 2018.

2. The ordinance is first applicable when the members of a board of governors of a higher education institution are to be appointed for the period after 1 May 2020.

Ordinance 2018:1135

1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 January 2019.

2. The ordinance is first applicable to study programmes that are conducted and Higher Education Diplomas in Dental Hygiene that are issued after the end of June 2019. 

3. Older provisions still apply to study programmes that are conducted and Higher Education Diplomas in Dental Hygiene that are issued prior to 1 July 2019.

4. Those who, prior to 1 July 2019, have commenced a study programme for a Higher Education Diploma in Dental Hygiene according to the older provisions and those hwo have been admitted to such a programme but allowed to defer commencement of the programme until later, are entitled to complete their studies and obtain a Higher Education Diploma in Dental Hygiene in accordance with the older provisions, although until no later than the end of June 2023.

Ordinance 2018:1503

1. Sections 8-11 of Chapter 7 of this ordinance come into effect on 1 January 2019 and other provisions on 1 January 2022. 

2. When the Swedish Council for Higher Education or a higher education institution issues regulations pursuant to the new Section 9 of Chapter 7 or Sections 9a-11 of Chapter 7 in the new wording, they must prescribe that the provisions will first be applied to admissions to courses and study programmes that start after the end of May 2022. 

3. /Ceases to apply 1 January 2022/ The provisions in the new Sections 5a, 5b, 12a, 15a and 21a of Chapter 7 and the provisions in Sections 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26 and 28 of Chapter 7 in their new wording must be first applied to admissions to courses and programmes that start after the end of May 2022. 

3. /Comes into effect 1 January 2022/ The provisions in the new Sections 5a first paragrapg 1-5, 5b, 12a, 15a and 21a of Chapter 7 and the provisions in Sections 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26 and 28 of Chapter 7 in their new wording must be first applied to admissions to courses and programmes that start after the end of May 2022. The provisions in the new Section 5a first paragraph 6 of Chapter 7 must be first applied to admissions to courses and programmes that start after the end of December 2022.

(Ordinance 2021:929)

4. The provisions in Section 21 of Chapter 7 in their new wording must first be applied to tests conducted in the spring of 2022. 

5. Older provisions remain in effect with reference to admissions to courses and study programmes that start before 1 June 2022. 

Ordinance 2019:161

  1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 July 2019.
  2. This ordinance is first applied to the issue of courses and programmes that are conducted and Masters of Science in Medicine that are awarded after the end of June 2021.
  3. Older provisions are still applicable to courses and programmes that are conducted and Masters of Science in Medicine that are awarded prior to 1 July 2021.
  4. Persons who started a Degree of Master of Science in Medicine before 1 July 2021 under the older provisions are entitled to complete the programme to receive a qualification according to the older provisions, but this is only applicable until the end of December 2029.
  5. A person who has been accepted to study for a Degree of Master of Science in Medicine before 1 July 2021 under the older provisions, but who has deferred the start of their studies until after this time, will be considered as being accepted on a programme for a Degree of Master of Science in Medicine under the new provisions.

Ordinance 2019:276

  1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 August 2019.
  2. The ordinance is first applied to admissions to courses and programmes that start after the end of May 2022.
  3. The Swedish Council for Higher Education may issue provisions on compensation because people covered by item 3 in the provisions on entry into effect and transitional provisions to the Ordinance (2011:1020) on amendments to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) cannot obtain credit increments for field-specific weighted courses from the admissions round for programmes that start after the end of May 2022. When the Swedish Council for Higher Education issues such provisions, it must prescribe that the provisions will first be applied to admissions to courses and programmes that start after the end of May 2022.

Ordinance 2020:766

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 January 2021. 
  2. This ordinance is first applied to the issue of education and qualifications in Pre-School Education, Vocational Education, Primary Education and Secondary/Upper Secondary Education that are awarded after the end of June 2021. 
  3. Older provisions still apply to education and qualifications in Pre-School Education, Vocational Education, Primary Education and Secondary/Upper Secondary Education that are awarded prior to 1 July 2021. 
  4. The older provisions still apply to qualifications in Pre-School Education, Vocational Education, Primary Education and Secondary/Upper Secondary Education awarded after the end of June 2021 if the programme covered by the degree certificate was completed in its entirety before this date. 
  5. A person who started a programme for a qualification in Pre-School Education, Vocational Education, Primary Education or Secondary/Upper Secondary Education prior to 1 July 2021 under the older provisions is entitled to complete their programme and be awarded such a qualification under the older provisions until the end of June 2025 for the Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education and until the end of June 2029 for degrees in Pre-School Education, Primary Education and Secondary/Upper Secondary Education. 
  6. A person who has been accepted to study for a qualification in Pre-School Education, Vocational Education, Primary Education or Secondary/Upper Secondary Education before 1 July 2021 under the older provisions, but who has deferred the start of their studies until after this time, will be considered as being accepted on the programme under the new provisions.

Ordinance 2020:768

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 11 September 2020. 
  2. The ordinance is first applied to tests that will be conducted in the second half of the calendar year of 2020.

Ordinance 2020:881 

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 30 November 2020. 
  2. The ordinance is first applied to admissions to courses and programmes beginning after 1 August 2021.

Ordinance 2021:216

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 May 2021.
  2. This ordinance is first applied to courses and programmes beginning after the end of December 2021.
  3. Older provisions remain in effect for courses and programmes that began before 1 January 2022.

Ordinance 2022:1219

  1. This ordinance comes into effect on 1 July 2023.
  2. The new wording of Chapter 12 Section 5 is not applied to decisions made by the Swedish Higher Education Authority before its entry into effect.

Ordinance 2023:34

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 24 February 2023.
  2. The ordinance is first applied to courses and programmes that start after the end of June 2023.
  3. If, as regards a nursing programme, it is particularly difficult to apply the provisions of Chapter 6, section 17 a and Annex 4 for the first time to study programmes that start after the end of June 2023, the Swedish Higher Education Authority may decide that the provisions relating to that programme must first be applied study programmes that start at a later date, but as soon as possible and no later than the end of February 2024. The Swedish Higher Education Authority may make such a decision no later than 15 May 2023 and only if the higher education institution has applied for this by 31 March 2023.
  4. Older provisions remain in effect for study programmes that started before 1 July 2023.

Ordinance 2023:83

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 May 2023.
  2. The amended provisions in Chapter 7, section 21 are first applicable to the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test held in the autumn of 2023.

Ordinance 2023:575

  1. This ordinance enters into effect on 1 July 2024.
  2. Older provisions remain in effect for study programmes that started before 1 July 2024.

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Last updated: 24 September 2024